Dash dash dash CIAO!

The title has some ring to it no? We’re closing to the 2 month marker before the big day for ONE OK ROCK Live in Manila 2016! Have you bought your tickets Minna? You guys should buy before its too late because for one thing, we are not sure when this will be repeated!

For today’s series for Fans on ONE OK ROCK: The Interviews, I interviewed Rushi I met her through twitter as one of the first few fans who have asked a million questions about the possibility of seeing the concert on a DVD format in the near future and all those things (Yes Rushi, I do remember how it went. Hahaha).

Hello to Rushi
Hello to Rushi

Her answers were a bit long but it proves just how much ONE OK ROCK changed her life.

Q1: Where did you first hear about ONE OK ROCK, where and how?
You know what, I am actually kinda proud with this my-discovery-thing-or-story-whatever of them. Haha. I am so happy and blessed! Okay, I’ll start my thing…

I love the movies Crows Zero & Crows Zero 2 that I am addicted to it. One day, I decided to search on Youtube random videos about that movie to enjoy myself. (Hahaha. Is that right? XDD) Then, this one video I clicked to play is written in Japanese characters except for “ONE OK ROCK”, as far as I could remember. Hahaha. Actually, while writing this, I tried to search it again on YT but unfortunately, I cannot find it anymore. So yea, I cannot remember the video that much but I think I saw crows, so many crows. Hahaha. And then there is a song playing, that I instantly liked. Oh, I forgot if there are shots from the movie, but no doubt there were so many crows. XDD So while watching the video, I got curious with that ONE OK ROCK since it is the only thing I understand in the title of the video. At first, I thought it’s kinda weird, I really don’t have any idea about that phrase. So I opened another tab, typed “ONE OK ROCK” on the Google search bar, aaaand boom! There I found out that it was actually the name of a band from Japan! OMG! I went back to the first tab and typed “ONE OK ROCK” on the YT search bar and clicked every video I saw. I instantly loved them so much, their songs! It’s like I found a treasure after so long! So the song playing in that video I mentioned earlier was Karasu (カラス). So there you go, that’s where and how I first hear about ONE OK ROCK. Gomen-ne, if this was too long. Hehe. Side story, I’m just gonna share that, you know, when we saw the first movie of Rurouni Kenshin (I don’t have any idea about the movie at first. I mean, I don’t read synopsis, or watch trailers of movies I/we are going to watch), and upon hearing the ending song? During credits? I got excited! SERIOUSLY! I was like, I KNOW THIS GUY SINGING! I REALLY KNOW HIM! IS THIS ONE OK ROCK? OHMYGOOOD! IS THIS REAL?! ~~Then I searched it on Google and proven it myself. WAHAHAHA! XDDD

Q2: Since you said that, how exactly did you become such a die hard fan? Any song in particular that got you hooked to the band’s music?
Well, I really don’t know. I just love them the way they are. They are soooo funny as hell, hahaha. I guess that’s one of the reasons but there are many… Many more reasons to love them. That’s all I can say. With that question about a certain song, hmm, I really don’t know as well. Haha. My fave song of them changes from time to time, or it depends on my mood. But what I know is that I love all their songs, from old ones up to the recent ones.

Q3: Do you have any merch related to OOR due to your growing fandom?
No, I don’t have any. Sad life. Hahaha.

Q4: I asked for the music, I asked for the merch, now I shall ask… any particular band member you like in the band? And why?
Oh why, this is such a silly question. Hahaha. Well, it’s Taka. I am more into the vocalist when we talk about bands. Maybe because for me, they carry the band, it’s like they are the face/front liner. So yea. Hahahaha. Other than that? Ahmm. I really don’t know why, maybe one is because of his voice but that’s basically given. Hahahaha. Others… Others…. Ahh… Hahahahaha. Because he’s such a naughty boy? JUST KIDDIN’! WAHAHAHAHAHA! XDDDDD

Q5: Do you think ONE OK ROCK has changed your life?
Hmm… I don’t know how to answer this question, honestly. Haha. I am a fan of them for 3 years now and still counting. I haven’t seen them fall but I have seen them grow. Well, now thinking about it, I guess I became more positive in life because of them. You know, the feeling that you can actually look forward the next morning? Not that feeling when you’re like: Okay I’m tired so I’m just gonna sleep tonight and wake up later without wondering of what’s ‘another day’ gonna offer. Their songs are full of emotions, I can feel it. Do they have souls? I guess yes, I don’t know how they did it, but I feel it.

Q6: Now let’s get on to the concert, what was your initial reaction when it was declared that ONE OK ROCK will indeed make a concert in the country? Any expectations?
Okay, this is a good question for me. Hahaha. I follow Amuse Asia ever since and it’s because of ONE OK ROCK. Before the actual announcement, they have posted that they will have a big announcement and after that, they posted few teasers with clues or something related to that. Then there is this one teaser 2 days before the big announcement where the page gave a hint that OOR will go to somewhere they haven’t been before with a video of Decision featured in Fool Cool Rock. From there, I already concluded that it will be Philippines. Yes, I am that confident. As in! Haha. I know it’s Philippines. So my reaction upon hearing the official announcement? Nothing, but ofcourse EXCITED. I expected it already, so it will just be disappointment if it was not as expected. I am really happy for the Philippines to be included there, and Amuse Asia was actually referring to us. US! Wahahahahaha! How special are we, btw? LOL! XDDD

Q7: Final question, if the guys of ONE OK ROCK would be able to read this interview, what do you want to say to them? Don’t be shy to say what you want!!

Okay, first and foremost, I would like to thank you Kythe for this opportunity, seriously! With this, I was able to express myself. I hope you felt it with my answers above. Hahaha. I really appreciate it and it was a blessing.
Actually, I was already thinking about this lately, and also having trouble on how will I be able to communicate this to them. So this opportunity is really the thing! Such a blessing! Though it’s not yet fully constructed, I’m just gonna write it here.

Hi minna! Especially Taka!
Welcome to the Philippines! See you soonest!
But before that, can I have a request, or rather requests? Hahaha.
I am really a fan of you guys for 3 years already and still counting. Ever since, all I ever dream is to watch you perform LIVE! And it’s gonna happen in 2016! OMG! May I request you guys to perform Karasu (カラス)? I know it’s classic and you don’t sing that lately on your gigs, but it really means so much to me. I know I’m not that special, I am just a fan, but this song introduced me to you guys. Unique? Maybe, and that’s what made me more motivated to ask for this. Hahaha.

Another request is, can we have a segment, semi-acoustic or something, where you play Wherever You Are, My Sweet Baby, Pierce, Notes N’ Words, All Mine, together with Heartache? My first request was kinda selfish, I know, but that’s love, isn’t it? Hahahaha. Anyway, this second request is not, I know others also love to hear those songs LIVE! Taka! We love to hear your soothing voice LIVE, too!

Okay, this is the last, no kidding! Hahahaha. Since this is 35XXXV Asia Tour and knowing that you just released 35XXXV Deluxe lately, I wish that you guys will still perform those songs from 35XXXV album you first released. I mean, those with Japanese parts. I don’t know if everyone is with me, but that’s another thing I love about you, Taka. You can compose and sing really well with both English and Japanese lyrics in one song. I think, because of that, you can fully express yourself. And of course, performing Last Dance and The Way Back is a bonus. smile emoticon smile emoticon smile emoticon

That’s all for the requests. And this is too much, I know. But I wanna give it a shot. As you say in Juvenile, “Don’t be shy whenever you want something. What you waiting for? Find your door.” Hahaha. I am really glad and inspired that you guys are coming here!

I also just wanted to say that, though I’m still not sure if I’m gonna make it or not on that day, I already grabbed my ticket. Hoping to see you guys on January 19, 2016! Looking forward to it! XDD ONE OK ROCK ON! |m|
P.S. Takaaaaa! Please gain some weight! Hmp! You look so thin… and dry! Please get some rest before your Asia Tour, okay? Do you understand-oh? I’m looking forward to it! I love you!


Long but definitely an intriguing story don’t you think? If you want to find out just exactly how Rushi rushed to the ONE OK ROCK fandom just like many others, you can experience it first hand on January 19, 2016. Its close people so what on earth are you waiting for? Buy your tickets now! Tickets to ONE OK ROCK “The 2016 35xxxv Asia Tour” Live in Manila is still available at all SM Tickets branches nationwide. You can also check out SM Tickets Online or you can also call SM Tickets at 420-2222. Just a couple more tickets still available so purchase now before its too lateeeeee!

This super cool event is brought to us by PULP Live World, 28 Black and Amuse Asia Inc. Event partners also include Monster Radio RX 93.1, MYX, The Philippine Star, Astroplus, Odyssey Music Video, Pulp Magazine, G/ST and SM Mall of Asia Arena.

For more details for this event, visit either http://pulpliveworld.com/shows/2016/one-ok-rock



For show updates, follow @PULPLiveWorld on Twitter or through its Facebook page. Of course, you can also follow this blog and its’ official Twitter feed @oneistoinfinity for updates!

Just a few more weeks before we stand up, stand up!


About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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