Hello everyone,

Hope the past two days of the new year has been a blast for you guys. I certainly have for several reasons which I think I will be able to share in the next coming days.

Now, as you noticed, some changes have been done throughout the site. I had asked my dear friend Amano (A) to recode the layout of the site to make it look fluid as you see here. I know some of you guys might have been very annoyed with the black areas close to the header so now, thats all fixed. Fonts also of the site have been changed since I wanted a more journal-ish and personal-ish feel to the blog.

Some modifications would still be made but this is how Autumn Sky will look in the next coming days… just in time too for the big bang!

If you guys have comments, suggestions and the what nots on what to add, what to edit and so on to the site, let me know! Updates for the specials and some other things in the incoming week!


About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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