Well, I have to admit this is the last one of the series (though someone did note to me to add like the “Mei after 011916” which I can actually do. Hahaha, but that wont be a part of my final report once I do it… though I am doing it now) T_T I WANT TO CRY! WHY IS IT ALL OVER!?!?! If only time would keep looping back to the 19th, I would do it gladly!!!
For this entry, I like to thank the following people for helping me with this journey for my first foray to the events blogging series and making my first ever concert one of the best ever. ONE OK ROCK Live in Manila will forever be etched in my heart since it was also a gift I was very very happy with.
To my ever crazy partner-in-crime Jumi – Without you, I wouldn’t be able to see and shake hands with all four of them and experience ONE OK ROCK live and in the best seats too. Thanks for being my evil partner in crime throughout the entire day as well and giving me all the laughs I need! And still no on the pouch. I’ll get you one for Xmas unless I deem something yellow fits you better. Hahahaha! Part 2, you are storming PULP HQ for another set of tickets! HAHAHA! I need to make up to ONE OK ROCK somehow personally!
To Kim Gill – my first ever test subject to my Fans on ONE OK ROCK: The Interviews series and my ever amusing countdown girl when the last few days of the countdown came in! I know you got a letter from me so let’s leave it at that. Thanks for helping me pick Toru’s gift. You know him better than I do! Don’t ever let anyone pull you down no matter what they say to you and your passion for that guitarist. You will always be one of my best concert buddies and friends! And yes, while Toru is hot, and his English is flawless, I still like that short vocalist more than him, THANK YOU!
To my ever faithful kouhai whom I call Yuuki or little snowflake coz of her silver hair – Kami thanks you for everything. Kami thinks she thanked you in her letter, which you will get soon. Kami forgot what was in it (I think I told you that already). Kami now demands you get her a special present. You know what it is!
To my fellow PULP Royalty friends – Sheen, Mai, Kat, Kirst, Ardi, Raki, Cai, Mavic, Olga, Ayra, Amy, Rose – thanks you guys for all the love! Sheen and Mai, thanks for the advices on my blogging spree and leading the effort for our group project! I hope the band likes it! Kat, good luck there in the US and it was nice meeting you. I owe you a selfie. Hahaha! Kirst, next time we’ll prepare for the PULP Media guidelines properly and get that interview. Hahaha, I will inform you as always!!! I also owe you a selfie!
Ardi, you should have thrown Mr. Chikin on stage so you can get a chance to get spotted!! Raki, you should have colored your hair then ask Toru to rock with ya. Cai, lol, im waiting for your gift and thank you for the super cool times we chatted online. Mavic, you still owe me a personal hello and heck! You caught me on cam without me knowing! Olga, thanks for stickin’ by and amusingly, find out that you know me from HS! Ayra, haha, lucky you! It was an honor to finally meet you coz I did actually follow you in tumblr coz of ONE OK ROCK. Amy, hope you are ok now and rocked with the boys in SG!!! Rose, haha, thanks for joining me, Jumi and Olga for the madness!
To all the guys I met for Fans on ONE OK ROCK: The Interviews – You guys know who you are, I saw some of you and some I did not. I hope you loved the magazine feature and hopefully, on the next round, I will get you guys a bigger spread. Of course, I need to give equal ground for fans no? LOL. I will see you all again in the next one even if you are not interviewed for the second big wave!
To Ysa of Amuse PH and fellow Kawaii fan – thanks for helping me with my brainstorming with the entire coverage and when I ask you about other things from the fans. Kawaii is represented very much! I will see you again in the next Amuse event or some events we will both go. I might be covering it, I might not be. Its one of both. Kaila, in the next live, come join us! I’ll join you in Japan in the super near future once I have ample funding so I can watch them there (This live just got me goin!)
To my Chari or the ever talented Caris of Hello Caris – I am thanking you since you made all my calligraphies to make the last few posts special. Hahaha, and for making me so amused each night with our silly banters. See, I put disclaimers now on powerful posts. Yes yes.
To Cath, Louella, Michelle and JP of the Philippines ONE OK ROCKers – You guys made everything stick and brought them here. KUDOS TO THAT! Cath, thanks for helping me with my other entries, especially about Tomoya (I found out later a veritable source of everything Tomoya was close by in the Royalty group T_T)! Louella and JP, lol, thanks also for accepting my posts and to Michelle, haha, yes, it was worth it. Now, next target? Philippine Invasion? Yokohama Experience? THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS!
To Amuse Asia. Thank you so much for finally bringing them to the country. We hope all your expectations of the Philippines were shattered and I hope this is the beginning of more Japanese acts flocking into the country for more love and music. Is it too much to ask to get ONE OK ROCK back here this year? LOL! We want them back already! They stole our hearts and not returning it back!
To PULP Media. YOU GUYS! Thanks for giving me this epic opportunity and wow, I just got blown away! This project gave me one of the best experiences ever and well, taught me the things I needed to learn about ONE OK ROCK! Next time I apply for PULP Media for ONE OK ROCK, PLEASE give me a photo pass and the interview slot! They were the only ones I didn’t get to interview. I got to interview everyone save them T_T
To PULP Magazine I never thought I’ll see my name again in a magazine but the proof is in that December Issue and the blog! In the next one… I really want to do a documentary backstage… but lets see I guess XD
To Sir Vernon Go and the entire team of PULP Live World. I know I thanked you already, but good sir, you just ushered one heck of a revolution now and now everyone will expect that it will be PULP Live World who will bring them back to Manila as they promised. If based from the trends of the last Asian Tour and the next, the next news will come in 2 years so we will be expecting loads again from you guys! I will try my very best to say hello personally in the next PULP Live (L’Arc maybe?) You will definitely see me in ONE OK ROCK Live in Manila Part 2, I swear it. Thank you once again for granting every ONE OK ROCK fan’s dream here in Manila!!!! Part 2 will be explosive!
Of course, I like to thank all my readers, followers and whatnots for joining me as we counted down the days to history and now, reliving the moments of #ONEOKROCKLiveinManila. I think this is one experience we cannot easily forget and as my expectations guide went, lets expect them in 2 years after they do their next album (they said they will start the next one this February in one interview). It’s a guarantee they will be back to jam with us by then. If they go back earlier, we definitely showed them love and they are now addicted for more! Just as how we are addicted for more lives. I also thank everyone for answering the surveys!!!
Finally, I thank ONE OK ROCK for finally hearing our call for them to visit the country. Meeting them for the Royalty meet and greet was just mind blowing but when they played… I wanted to ask myself “Where have they been all my life!?” The live was just spectacular. It was clear we broke all their expectations and gave them a reason why Filipinos love them so much and why they should come back. If Taka could cry at that moment, he would have as he listened to us fans sing the songs with him in many instances throughout the live (my vocal chords are a living proof of this). Toru, Tomoya and Ryota also showed their feelings with the Pinoy crowd if their IG posts are to come by and the smiles they all have at that special night! I hope their next one is similar to MLF in Yokohama Stadium… hehe, their best hits in Manila!!!! Imagine, ONE OK ROCK: Mighty Long Fall in SM Mall of Asia Arena. E-P-I-C! (If they did that, Answer is Near, Lets’ Take It Someday and even Nobody Helps should be in that set list! And Be the Light!)
I’ll be back for part 2 in Manila. I swear that right now and most probably, even watch them in Japan! I’ll give you guys one hell of a series again once they come back. I must admit I enjoyed making this series and I enjoyed the love and live so much!

ONE OK ROCK: The 2016 ’35XXXV’ Asia Tour: Live in Manila was brought to us by PULP Live World, 28 Black and Amuse Asia Inc. Event partners also include Monster Radio RX 93.1, MYX, The Philippine Star, Inquirer.net, Animax, Otaku Asia Magazine, Primer, Astroplus, Odyssey Music Video, Pulp Magazine, G/ST and SM Mall of Asia Arena.
For more details regarding this event, visit either http://pulpliveworld.com/shows/2016/one-ok-rock
Hugs and kisses for a job well done guys and I will see you all again my ONE OK ROCK kazoku in PART 2!!!