
If you guys read my last post, this entry would answer pretty much the question I left you guys in the ending. This is the official link to the shorter version or the sneak peek to PULP Magazine’s Issue 175 March 2016 feature for ONE OK ROCK Live in Manila.


I have to admit that this article is the one that gets me all PCD and such because I wrote this very specific article that very Wednesday after the concert. Everything was still fresh and raw and yes, while the longer version has pretty much the entire feels of it, this one was a testament to why ONE OK ROCK Live in Manila was a musical revolution the Philippines hasn’t seen for a very long time.

Pretty much says so in the magazine cover itself. J-Rock History in Manila.

I also wrote this with all the love I could muster even though I ended up getting some heartaches on condensing this one night into a shorter format.

I thank yet again PULP Magazine for trusting me with this epic project and I must confess I do feel the pressure slightly because Part 2 (Which the band promised will happen, Yes Taka, we remember) will be expected by many to be more explosive and epic like the first one. I not only owe you guys another mindblowing, teary and time-travelling entry for Part 2, but an interview with our beloved ONE OK ROCK (since we missed getting them heard on their first trip here). Its too early to say how things will turn out but I do swear I will make you guys proud!

PULP Magazine Issue 175 March 2016 is available at your favorite leading bookstores and magazine stands, and can also be purchased in Buqo. You can also directly order it via PULP Live World by giving them a call at 722-9622 or sending them an e-mail at sales@pulpliveworld.com. I have to admit I did purchase some copies in Manila and in the place i bought it from, it was sold out (I bought the last two copies and still saw the December issue available) Some also reported the same thing in other places so get a copy while you still can!


I will be taking a slight sabbatical from ONE OK ROCK stuff until I get my hands on the 35XXXV Japan Tour Film and Documentary Blu-Ray (Out April 6, 2016) and my merch from the United States (thanks to my little snowflake). Love for 10969 will also be continuing its madness soon with some foreign love (the site is moving up in the world) so stay tuned.

What’s next in Mei’s To-Cover-And-Give-People-More-PCD list? *hums the lyrics of a certain NARUTO soundtrack*


PS. I officially declare that this is the last post for my ONE OK ROCK Live in Manila coverage! I SHALL RETURN!!!! *MWAHAHAHAHA*

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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