
Kyaaa! Its been too long since my last post and boy oh boy I have so much in line *gaaaah* this Kami has been working nonstop for the past two months so I do need to give a good explanation to that now.

For the past few weeks, I have been juggling my offline life and this online life since my folks were in the United States. Haha, unfortunately, I ended up doing theirs too so imagine me juggling almost 6 different jobs for two months. Its confusing and does remove the time I have to blog and all that. But, with my folks back, I have some time for myself.

Unfortunately that time for myself is not going to happen very soon because for one, haha, I have so much to catch up and if you guys have been following me in Facebook or IG, you would notice I posted this:

Yup, won myself tickets to see the Shizuoka concert. I cannot believe 2016 is giving me all these bangs and stuff! And after 6 months since ONE OK ROCK Live in Manila, haha, I’m going to see them again. Of course, I still have to rake in some money to fund my trip and get a visa but I am very optimistic about it. Maybe I’ll write something about it when I finish it. As far as posting about it is concerned, I’ll update once I have the coveted visa *cries as she multitasks* I’ll be watching both shows much to my surprise coz I once told my friend Kaori watching one show would have been ok for me but getting two, just WOW!

I also posted in my IG this:

I already announced this in Love for 10969 and man oh man. I never actually thought I would get a personal painting done by my very beautiful and ethereal friend Rin from the sunny Middle East like this but here we go. I’m currently on leave in that place (Even if it’s just three weeks since I got in the team) since i have so much work in store X_X. Ay caramba! But to give you a little highlight of the name, the name Seishiro or Sei as I am called in the page came from CLAMP’s X and XXXHolic ^^v

I’ll try to finally post the backlogs I have for Love for 10969 and here before next week since next week, another madness is coming home and that’s my sister whom I haven’t seen in person for 4 years already. It’s crazy but wow, it’s going to be something.

Maybe I’ll finally post the 35XXXV Docu… hmm, decisions.


About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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