
Seems someone is a bit inspired to do some blogging given the updates here and there. Hahaha! But this one is a big special and I have to admit, this one is a bit special.

Last year on this very date, Amuse Asia Inc. has made the announcement that pretty much got all of ONE OK ROCK’s Asian fans on a roll as this announcement came along:

Ah, yes indeed, it has been one year since that day and I have to admit, everything changed from there: from this blog to myself. I remember i was patiently waiting in Facebook at Amuse Asia’s Facebook page because they have been deliberately causing all of us to wait. We all knew it was ONE OK ROCK’s concert given all the tips that came along before it. But for us in Manila, it was the day of reckoning since we have been waiting for this moment to see them finally in our shores. Around 2 pm on August 31st, the wait is finally over and the band is indeed going to Manila. I was elated, I was excited and I thanked everyone out there because in the previous entries I did before the announcement, I have hoped to see them personally.

Things really went uphill for me after that and the next post will pretty much tell you why. I just had to post this because I’m feeling a bit nostalgic. It feels like it was only yesterday when it was announced… OMG!

Happy celebration day to all of us ONE OK ROCK fans in Asia! Let’s hope the next one in the next two years or less would be another spankin announcement from the guys from Amuse Asia and of course, ONE OK ROCK!


About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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