
We’re on day 3 of this Kami’s wanderings in Japan. Ahhh! I find myself nostalgic with this trip and want more from it. Ahh! More money is needed but Kami is not a Kami without contingency plans. BWAHAHAHA!

Anyway! Day 3 is the day I move out of Nagoya and off to Tokyo. I have to admit I loved my stay in Nagoya even if it was short and I didn’t go around much. Maybe next time I fly via Nagoya, I’ll check out the other sites I missed and off to that Meiji village… ah, I will have my chance in the future I swear it. Besides, I can do Nagoya, Osaka and Kyoto on my next trip… ahhh Kyoto! To think ONE OK ROCK also announced the 2017 Japan Lives… YES! MORE REASONS TO LEAVE THE COUNTRY! Though I may end up in another country too at this rate *Sweatdrops*

Here are the photos that will help me guide you on my journey in this third day with some tips along the way. Yeah, I like sharing tips with you guys!

My bed in Meitetsu inn Nagoya Nishiki. I love the headboard. Comes with your very own alarm clock which I ignored most of the time.

Yeah, bit small but if you are a solo traveller like me, this place is ok. Very comfortable actually (Why else would I end up always oversleeping) Beside the door is the closet/shoe area.

Bathroom! I didn’t enjoy the tub much coz I was always on a rush. Good for deep dips though if you get the chance. Me soon

Me when I got out of the hotel… yup, rainy Nagoya and basically Tokyo too

In Japan, you can’t smoke unless its on certain areas.

Bye Nagoya TV Tower and Bye Nagoya, see you soon!

This is the entrance of the Sakuradori line of Nagoya’s subway system. Hisaya-odori is connected to the Meijo line in the other side of the street :)

Subway to Nagoya Station

The Shinkansen… yeah, one of the things you shouldn’t miss in trying out when you are in Japan. Shame I can’t try the EVA shinkansen.

Inside the shinkansen. Basically its like you on an airplane but on land. You can buy stuff on the walking kiosk ladies at every station. The seats are love though

Far away in the horizon is actually Nagisaen XD

Look whose behind me… Yeah, the souls of the Bakumatsu is followin me!!!

My favorite water brand in Japan. This is actually made by Coca Cola and you can buy it in their vendos for around 150 yen (there’s a smaller version for 120 yen if memory serves me). I also tried out Suntory when I was there but this one is still different.

Touchdown Tokyo!

Me on my way to my hotel. I had to wear my Pitta mask coz when I woke up that morning, my throat is itchy and I had a nasty cold. My sister, whom I spoken to on my way to Tokyo, surmised it must have been because I wasn’t able to dry up properly while shouting my heart out for ONE OK ROCK. The wind in Nagisaen was pretty darn cold so yep, preventing further worsening with mask. Allergies can also be bad too

To get to Asakusa via Tokyo Station, take the Ginza Line. Mei’s tip for you guys is to get a PASMO card preloaded just like the Manaca card (or use your IC card which works in every station, do check before you try it coz not all IC cards work everywhere in Japan) or the tourist tickets. I didn’t get one coz I was in a rush to get to my hotel as i was pretty darn hungry.

You also won’t get lost with the Ginza Line coz as you see in this photo, they will show you where you are, which door to exit and it translates to English.

Door to my hotel room in Hotel Shirobara Inn Asakusa. I have to admit this one is quite a steal in Agoda. Almost missed my chance to stay in this hotel coz my debit card wasn’t accepted in Agoda. Luckily, I asked my mum to lend me her card.

Mei’s tip, do not use Unionbank EON card to purchase in Agoda. It failed in my end. Trust me

Guhh, its like entering into a condo unit!

Powder room and the door to the left is the door to the bathing area and tub… T_T

THE BIG TUB! Spend most of my nights in this tub, drinking a big can of coke, enjoying the free bath salt included XDD

Not seen here is the mini shower area. Basically, you get a chance to use a typical Japanese bathroom. You shower first, then bathtub.


The aircon was quite cold though so I had to tone it down when I arrived. This room also comes with Bose speakers though I never found the socket in which I can place my phone to play my tunes… hmph

Separate toilet… and heated seat… *stars*

After purchasing my water supply and late lunch, walked to Asakusa! This one is not Nakamise, but its like a shopping complex. Though go straight to head to Nakamise XD

Asakusa ramen. Next time XD

Yup! I’m in Japan, in Asakusa! I forgot my own Kimono at home… sigh, next time.

One of the oldest crepe shops in Nakamise!!! Yup, we’re hereeee XD

Welcome to Nakamise!!!!

This is the super cool Asakusa Tourist Information Center! It has 8 floors and gives you a stunning look of Sumida River, the Tokyo Skytree and Asakusa itself! Entrance is free!

Kaminarimon Gate Asakusa! YAYYYY!

Once you enter Kaminarimon Gate, welcome to the long stretch of Nakamise Shopping Center! You get Japanese souvenirs of all varieties, sweets, goods and whatever! In the end of it, entrance to Senso-ji Temple!

Main gate, Senso-ji Temple.

A small tidbit in this place, a couple approached me and asked me shyly to take their photograph. I knew they thought I was a local coz their question was slightly hesitant coz they didn’t know if I could speak English and I was also wearing my cool mask. XD Livin like a local!!!

Senso-ji Temple

Get your fortune or your omikuji here! 100 yen only!!!

What you gotta do when getting your omikuji :)

Here are some of the omamori sold in Asakusa’s Senso-ji Temple. They would assist you as to which one you need and remember, make sure you buy only the omamori which is fit for the luck you need!

Here are the other things you can buy. Fancy looking bracelet

Incense. You can buy one for 150 yen if i recall right. The students who went there (Senso-ji is well known to be the shrine you should go to if you are a student after Yushimatenmangu) took in the smoke and rubbed it in their body.

Before you go to the main shrine, you need to clean yourself. In this place, you clean up your hands and your mouth. Take a laddle with your left hand and clean your right hand, then do the opposite, then use the laddle and put water in your right hand and clean your mouth. Clean your right hand again with the laddle and return it to its place.

After praying in the main shrine, here’s the view!!!

When you pray in the shrine, throw a coin on the offerings box, bow deeply two times, clap two times and bow deeply once before you pray. You can also ring the gong if there’s one in the temple so you can call the Kamis

The side of Asakusa Senso-ji :)

Here is the unopened part of the Shrine, they are preserving several parts of the shrine but this part has a long history.

I then decided to take a gander in Sumida Park and see this better XD I got lazy to eventually step close to its parameters

Down below is your way to Sumida Park ferry terminal :) It was super cool to walk around this place

I went back to Nakamise and saw this… yeah, I never played the game that much when I was in Japan.

Off to this for the day :)

Once you are inside the Asakusa Tourist Center, you will see a mini mockup of the entire area and the known highlights in Tokyo.

Beautiful view of the entire Asakusa district from the top of the tourist center. Best when it is not raining :)

My ekiben from Nagoya. I ended up having to eat it for dinner since I had no idea the chopsticks were inside. But it was still good, guh, sukiyaki!!!

Day 4 will be another long one. Gotta love Mei-ed in Nippon XD If you want to know more about these stuff, just drop a line below!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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