
Welcome to Day 2 of Mei-ed in Nippon and pretty much the title above says what I did on my second day in Japan! Although I did see the boys the previous day, this is actually the day one needs to be in because this would be the day it would be recorded for the broadcast and the DVD/BD (I will order one for the sake of reminiscing everything).

I do apologize if this is a bit late but even I need time to get things in order in this place. I miss Akizora but one must live and move on to higher ground XDD

Anyway! This would not be like the detailed post because the setlist from Day 1 and Day 2 are pretty much the same but I’ll note some very cool things I experienced on that very special day. I have to admit Day 1 and Day 2, despite the similarities in the song, delivered two different experiences.

Photos will also be placed here for Day 2 but like Day 1, I didn’t take much photos on the concert. I enjoyed the concerts too much!

View Day 1 Here

So notable highlights in the live that I can remember?

  1. When I got there, I was yet again late (reason to be said in the next post) and missed Re:make and a bit of Jibun Rock.
  2. For Jibun Rock, I ended up not listening to it much because my zone (Which was A1) was pretty much hard to get in to. I was with a fellow fan in the entrance of the said zone and we both tried to squeeze our way in. The staff people were very confused as to how we could get in since it was clear there’s still space (the reason we couldn’t get in easily is because everyone already inside wanted a big space for the moshpit, cyclone, wall of death and vortex), but we did eventually get in. I even saw Dan Rudd running past me before I managed to squeeze myself in the zone (Hey Dan!)
  3. Ryota was shirtless mostly unlike in Day 1 (Haha, its recorded so he has to show the abs!)
  4. The MC part was yet again hilarious as the boys talked about all the random stuff they could think of with Taka acting as the main MC with poor Toru, Tomoya and Ryota as his main targets. I can’t remember much of it, but Ryota’s introduction as the representative of all the idiots in the world is the best.
  5. Like Day 1, they had a young fan to climb in the stage for Day 2. His name is Sanpei and pretty much, the little kid had his own microphone which caught the attention of the boys. When Taka asked why he had one, the kid said he doesn’t know at all getting all of us to laugh with the band. Sanpei also took the show when he got down and got close with the fans by high-fiving everyone he passes. Taka, Toru, Ryota and Tomoya were amazed by this since we shouted for the lucky kid as if he’s the one we stormed for. Taka did share that when he was a kid, he was also asked to go on stage when he watched a show with his grandmum. Recalling it, he wanted to also share that experience to their younger fans (if only I was younger… and in A2).
  6. Taka also took his time to diss other bands in MC time as he said only ONE OK ROCK can do that kind of one-man live. Of course, that was a joke in his part but it was amusing to see him act all Kami-like and talking about other bands. I have to admit some of his movements gave you an idea which bands he was talking about. Hahaha! Though I have to agree, the weather is perfect as if the kamis are agreeing only this band deserves this kind of weather for this special live.
  7. Regretted squeezing inside the zone for the acoustic since if I was still in the same place when I arrived, I have unhindered view of the acoustic stage. Sigh. But the big video screens on the main stage were worth it.
  8. The most memorable bit for me is me “Awww-ing” when Taka started with the acoustic version of c.h.a.o.s.m.y.t.h. The teasing chibi started the chords for Heartache (Which I have been dying to hear since Manila) and sang the first lines of the said song before cutting it off. He even said ‘wrong song’ with a teasing smile. Awww moment indeed in so many levels!
  9. Another memorable bit for me is experiencing the synchronized headbanging with each fan having their arms in their fellow fan’s shoulder. I believe this was for Mighty Long Fall and The Beginning. I didn’t experience this in Day 1 but I was so shocked when my stand-mate (to call them seatmate is very weird in this case) placed his arm on my shoulder and headbanged. I followed suit and we were like a big wave if one looks at it on the DVD.  You never get that experience in other lives! Manila, we could have, but we were all dazzled by these four. I also had a taste of how rough the moshpit went! Including the cyclone… WAAAAH! Its like land fireworks
  10. There was a Toru-Romeo and Taka-Juliet moment in the end of it. I think it will be shown in the DVD/BD. At first i thought Toru will ignore the super tired yet fulfilled Taka, but there you go moment. Can’t wait to see this in the big screen soon!

Here are the photos!!!!

Im late but there were still people running as well to watch!

My zone XD The best experience ever!

😆🙌🏻 Photo by @ruihashimoto

A photo posted by RYOTA (@ryota_0809) on

Up above is little Sanpei with the boys!

Fireworks! So close!!!

I would have done the multi-burst but i still have 4 days left in Japan. Hahahaha

From my side of the stage… so close isn’t it?

Was trying to get the stage but haha, fail. Heading homeeee

Bye Nagisaen! Thanks for the memories! See you if they make another live there!

C183978E-6A4B-4F7E-9A87-40712AC5F36B (1)
Me when I got home… exhausted, parched and ready for the next day!

Proof that i was in both days XD Its now with my PULP Royalty tag… ahhh, where to go to next to watch those four?

I’ll be posting the photos for the other side of Mei-ed in Nippon Day 2 in the next update! Ah ONE OK ROCK! When on earth will I see you guys again?! Hopefully soon XD

By the time this updated, the 2017 Arena Tour news appeared… AAAARGH!!! MAKUHARI MESSE AND YOKOHAMA ARENA! IM COMIN’

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript


  1. Thank you so much for this.. was not able to watch the full vid yet.. and because of this, i feel like i was there too.. you are so lucky to have watched them live in Nagisaen.. The Crowd is very very huge as always… (since when did their concerts flop.. haha) BTW, how much does their Concert Ticket cost if converted to Php?.. You are a big help for us TeamBahays… Thankies..

    1. I am glad that you liked it. The full version won’t be released till next year I think so you may have to wait for a while.

      As for the tickets, its around 3.5k pesos with taxes and extra fees :)

      1. I super loved it, its not like any other blog, its nitty gritty.. very informative..haha.. we’ll wait for your next OOR adventure.. Ganbatte!

        1. If I am lucky, I will also do the comparison with the Ambitions Japan tour because as I said, this is a different kind of ONE OK ROCK live. This isn’t like the Arena tours so we will see next year :)

          Of course, Asia will be in my OOR adventure ^^

          See you in the next live!!!

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