
Yeah, we are still on the Mei-ed in Nippon series and we are on Day 4! Ah Japan! I barely got the chance to hit the other sites but there is always next year… haha, this solo touring thing is addicting to say the least! I’ll be back soon though if 2016 is indeed still the year that lays lots of favors to one who has been enthralled with such a live. Hahaha!

Anyway, Day 4 actually started a little late for me because for one, my bed in Hotel Shirobara Inn Asakusa was a cloud and I was completely reluctant to part with it. It was very warm and I was also still a little sleep-deprived. Im not really a morning person, but since we’re in a different land and I have places to be, I woke up reluctantly and prepared.

The day’s destination should have been Ueno, Shibuya and Shinjuku. But, since I woke up late and like the news said (I watched Japanese news which kept reporting it will rain that day even if I cannot understand most of what was said the previous night), it was raining, I changed my tactics. Turns out to be a good thing considering I was also due to see one of my dad’s clients that day.

Here are the photos below and the usual tips I can offer you guys!

Good morning, heading to Shibuya!!! I mostly used the Ginza Line to go there but if you are close to the Yamanote Line, that's good too
Good morning, heading to Shibuya!!! I mostly used the Ginza Line to go there but if you are close to the Yamanote Line, that’s good too
Hello Shibuya! Yeah, even in the rain, the crossing was quite busy!
Hello Shibuya! Yeah, even in the rain, the crossing was quite busy!
In Shibuya Station, you will get to see this epic masterpiece.
In Shibuya Station, you will get to see this epic masterpiece.
This is the plaque below that masterpiece. I learnt of this piece thanks to the Hobonichi covers for last year but seeing it in person? Wow! Taro Okamoto is a genius!
This is the plaque below that masterpiece. I learnt of this piece thanks to the Hobonichi covers for last year but seeing it in person? Wow! Taro Okamoto is a genius!
When I was there, the Tokyo 2020 Official Shop was open. Haha, I cried with the prices for this but I have to admit, they used all the known anime characters Japan is known for and used it for the promotions.
When I was there, the Tokyo 2020 Official Shop was open. Haha, I cried with the prices for this but I have to admit, they used all the known anime characters Japan is known for and used it for the promotions.
While looking for Hachiko, I found this cool mural!
While looking for Hachiko, I found this cool mural!
Hachiko! It took me quite a while to see this iconic statue primarily because around Hachiko were constructions as they were making sure Shibuya Station is ready for the Olympics. I ended up going in circles to see this hahaha. My GPS was also very faulty in the rain.
Hachiko! It took me quite a while to see this iconic statue primarily because around Hachiko were constructions as they were making sure Shibuya Station is ready for the Olympics. I ended up going in circles to see this hahaha. My GPS was also very faulty in the rain.
After locating Hachiko, I went for a McDonald's lunch because I didn't have breakfast that day. Unfortunately for me, I ended up getting the wrong burger... sigh. McDo fries will remain as is anywhere you go hahaha.
After locating Hachiko, I went for a McDonald’s lunch because I didn’t have breakfast that day. Unfortunately for me, I ended up getting the wrong burger… sigh. McDo fries will remain as is anywhere you go hahaha.
Shibuya is also the place you get to see these... I wonder if I should have just had these for lunch. Hahaha
Shibuya is also the place you get to see these… I wonder if I should have just had these for lunch. Hahaha
After lunch, pilgrimage time to Tower Records Shibuya!
After lunch, pilgrimage time to Tower Records Shibuya!
Immediately as you go in, Arashi will greet you. This one is their latest mini-album rack
Immediately as you go in, Arashi will greet you. This one is their latest mini-album rack
Actual costumes on display. I forgot which band this is
Actual costumes on display. I forgot which band this is
Hello to her too. Yep, some of the standees in Tower Records have signatures of your favorite artists.
Hello to her too. Yep, some of the standees in Tower Records have signatures of your favorite artists.
Signature of the guys from Kana-boon XD
Signature of the guys from Kana-boon XD
Ahhh, the shrine you have to see if you are a ONE OK ROCK fan. Shame it is not like the Arashi rack but then again, one full counter just for these four? Haha, paradise. As you can see, the top rack is empty save for a few things. I didn't buy some considering i have nowhere to play it with and I didnt see the DVD for Jinsei Kakete Kimi Wa... sold out... grrh
Ahhh, the shrine you have to see if you are a ONE OK ROCK fan. Shame it is not like the Arashi rack but then again, one full counter just for these four? Haha, paradise. As you can see, the top rack is empty save for a few things. I didn’t buy some considering i have nowhere to play it with and I didnt see the DVD for Jinsei Kakete Kimi Wa… sold out… grrh
I took this because my crazy friend Jumilove is a big Arashi fan. Hahaha
I took this because my crazy friend Jumilove is a big Arashi fan. Hahaha
Before leaving Tower Records Shibuya, I found this year's special Vans collaboration. This time, its with the girls from SCANDAL! This shoe has their signatures on them.
Before leaving Tower Records Shibuya, I found this year’s special Vans collaboration. This time, its with the girls from SCANDAL! This shoe has their signatures on them.
Tons of promotional for these two. Well I understand the One Piece promotionals because around this time, ONE PIECE GOLD was on the spotlight
Tons of promotional for these two. Well I understand the One Piece promotionals because around this time, ONE PIECE GOLD was on the spotlight
As I needed to figure out what to give to my niece, I ventured to this place. Its a child's fantasy to go in there XDD Must prepare a lot of money though since the prices can be very high for some items.
As I needed to figure out what to give to my niece, I ventured to this place. Its a child’s fantasy to go in there XDD Must prepare a lot of money though since the prices can be very high for some items.
Some of the displays there? Tsum tsum!!!!
Some of the displays there? Tsum tsum!!!!
More Tsum Tsum
More Tsum Tsum
Yeah, I am teasing you
Yeah, I am teasing you
Mini pouches. I wanted to get my niece one but my sister said it would not have been good XDD
Mini pouches. I wanted to get my niece one but my sister said it would not have been good XDD
On my way back to Shibuya Station since i had an appointment to keep, I saw the blockbuster line for the new Makoto Shinkai movie
On my way back to Shibuya Station since i had an appointment to keep, I saw the blockbuster line for the new Makoto Shinkai movie “your name”. I would have watched it but… I have to go somewhere X_X
Tried to get a selfie of myself while in the scramble. haha. I didn't notice Shibuya 109 was behind me till I saw the photo X_X
Tried to get a selfie of myself while in the scramble. haha. I didn’t notice Shibuya 109 was behind me till I saw the photo X_X
Next on my list for the day is Harajuku. My brother would have been over the moon if he was with me. I'll take him here next time, especially if my sisters would come along.
Next on my list for the day is Harajuku. My brother would have been over the moon if he was with me. I’ll take him here next time, especially if my sisters would come along.
Fashion mecca Harajuku's Takeshita Street! To go here, just take the JR Yamanote Line and even the Tokyo Metro. I forgot which specific station it is if you used the other train
Fashion mecca Harajuku’s Takeshita Street! To go here, just take the JR Yamanote Line and even the Tokyo Metro. I forgot which specific station it is if you used the other train
Since I went here on a rainy afternoon, this is the photo of Takeshita Street... Never without people this place is
Since I went here on a rainy afternoon, this is the photo of Takeshita Street… Never without people this place is
This street is never without its sweets XD
This street is never without its sweets XD
See what i mean?
See what i mean?
If you are a fan of lolita fashion like Kyary, goth, or just fashion, this place is the mecca. Did I mention if you bring your passport, some of these places are tax free? LOL It reminds me of Greenhills back home
If you are a fan of lolita fashion like Kyary, goth, or just fashion, this place is the mecca. Did I mention if you bring your passport, some of these places are tax free? LOL It reminds me of Greenhills back home
I also saw the special sanrio cafe featured in Rainbowholic's site XD I didn't go in since I was on a schedule.
I also saw the special sanrio cafe featured in Rainbowholic’s site XD I didn’t go in since I was on a schedule.
Shoes of all styles and colors! Locally made of course
Shoes of all styles and colors! Locally made of course
I was intrigued when I saw this. Looks like going to Alice in Wonderland's world
I was intrigued when I saw this. Looks like going to Alice in Wonderland’s world
Had a simple kakigoori before moving to my next destination XD around this time, my appointment got moved so I had some time to relax.  Big tidbit to you guys going to Japan. Its very impolite to walk while eating even if its an ice cream. You have to stop in their designated eating areas or in the side and finish your meal there.
Had a simple kakigoori before moving to my next destination XD around this time, my appointment got moved so I had some time to relax.

Big tidbit to you guys going to Japan. Its very impolite to walk while eating even if its an ice cream. You have to stop in their designated eating areas or in the side and finish your meal there.

This next place I went to is still in Harajuku and quite close to Roppongi Hills and Omotesando if you went further to walk. However, from this place, its a whole different world.
This next place I went to is still in Harajuku and quite close to Roppongi Hills and Omotesando if you went further to walk. However, from this place, its a whole different world.
Welcome to the Meiji Shrine. Considered as one of the power spots of Tokyo, this place is breathtaking, especially if you see this upclose and in real life. I really scheduled a trip here and wow, it was inspiring
Welcome to the Meiji Shrine. Considered as one of the power spots of Tokyo, this place is breathtaking, especially if you see this upclose and in real life. I really scheduled a trip here and wow, it was inspiring
When you step inside that big tori to Meiji Shrine, you will find yourself transported away from the bustling Tokyo city to the past. The trees were very dense and wow, you can barely hear the cars or the train!
When you step inside that big tori to Meiji Shrine, you will find yourself transported away from the bustling Tokyo city to the past. The trees were very dense and wow, you can barely hear the cars or the train!
This I believe was practically untouched since time in memorial. Marvellous!
This I believe was practically untouched since time in memorial. Marvellous!
One of the lamp posts in the pathway to the main shrine.
One of the lamp posts in the pathway to the main shrine.
These are sake barrels which were sent to the shrine by Japan's sake makers
These are sake barrels which were sent to the shrine by Japan’s sake makers
More barrels from breweries
More barrels from breweries
One of the shrines inside Meiji. This one is off limits to the public
One of the shrines inside Meiji. This one is off limits to the public
When visiting Meiji Shrine or any Shrine in Japan which has this, its best you write your prayers in an ema. I once read that if you do so, your prayers or wishes will be granted. These emas are often gathered each time as noted by the sign here and prayed over. The emas are also tied around a sacred tree.
When visiting Meiji Shrine or any Shrine in Japan which has this, its best you write your prayers in an ema. I once read that if you do so, your prayers or wishes will be granted. These emas are often gathered each time as noted by the sign here and prayed over. The emas are also tied around a sacred tree.
Lol, mine is in here some where XD
Lol, mine is in here some where XD
The main shrine. Visiting this place is really an honor and I feel blessed to do so. I know I'll be back here again soon
The main shrine. Visiting this place is really an honor and I feel blessed to do so. I know I’ll be back here again soon
My last stopover for the day is Kokubunji which you can reach via the Chuo Line. Its not really as known to many since its like another area of Tokyo and not much sites are here. Kinda reminds me when I was in Bentenjima.  Anyway, this is where my dad's client lives. Originally we would have met somewhere around Shinjuku, but since they were all surprised I got around so well in JR trains, my dad's client asked me if I can go to her place so I did :)
My last stopover for the day is Kokubunji which you can reach via the Chuo Line. Its not really as known to many since its like another area of Tokyo and not much sites are here. Kinda reminds me when I was in Bentenjima.

Anyway, this is where my dad’s client lives. Originally we would have met somewhere around Shinjuku, but since they were all surprised I got around so well in JR trains, my dad’s client asked me if I can go to her place so I did :)

My dad's client brought me to this place. I was asked what i preferred as she knew I was a ramen fan thanks to my dad. But since i had plans to eat ramen the next day, I opted for the Yakiniku place. Turns out it was a good thing coz that day, there was a flash discount
My dad’s client brought me to this place. I was asked what i preferred as she knew I was a ramen fan thanks to my dad. But since i had plans to eat ramen the next day, I opted for the Yakiniku place. Turns out it was a good thing coz that day, there was a flash discount
This is an old school Yakiniku grill and their charcoal is really different for grilling. The restaurant is quite small, but it is really warm. It opens around the evenings because its when the salarymen go out from work. Apparently its open until early morning
This is an old school Yakiniku grill and their charcoal is really different for grilling. The restaurant is quite small, but it is really warm. It opens around the evenings because its when the salarymen go out from work. Apparently its open until early morning
I have sinned that day... so much beef and it is love! A great tip I could tell you is if you are going to these types of restaus, go early. The cuts are very good when you come at the early hours because after two to three hours, the cuts are uneven since they are rushing to scramble orders XD.
I have sinned that day… so much beef and it is love! A great tip I could tell you is if you are going to these types of restaus, go early. The cuts are very good when you come at the early hours because after two to three hours, the cuts are uneven since they are rushing to scramble orders XD.
Pardon the dark bit here because on top of this grill bowl is the exhaust... but that beef... we spent like three hours there XDD Imagine the beef.
Pardon the dark bit here because on top of this grill bowl is the exhaust… but that beef… we spent like three hours there XDD Imagine the beef.
Yeah beef... Tomoya is right! Beef is good!
Yeah beef… Tomoya is right! Beef is good!
I got back in Asakusa around 8 pm and pretty much did so because I have an early day the next day and my feet are killing me. I passed by Kaminarimon Gate and saw this under the big lantern on it. Apparently its lucky to touch this when do pass by it.
I got back in Asakusa around 8 pm and pretty much did so because I have an early day the next day and my feet are killing me. I passed by Kaminarimon Gate and saw this under the big lantern on it. Apparently its lucky to touch this when do pass by it.
Last photo of the day, an empty Asakusa Nakamise District. Yup, it closes very early but it does look cool even at night
Last photo of the day, an empty Asakusa Nakamise District. Yup, it closes very early but it does look cool even at night

Long Day 4 is it not? The next post is even longer! Feel free to comment or send me a shoutout if you want to learn more about this day!!


About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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