
We’re in the last leg of the Mei-ed in Nippon series. Ending this series makes me sad. Its just like ONE OK ROCK Live in Manila all over again. But one must not lose hope for there is still a part 2 in the works if I have anything to say about it! Bwahaha!

When I woke up for this last day in Japan, I actually went to pass by Asakusa to pray for a safe trip and future return and bought some souvenirs. In some of the shops, people gave me interesting looks because although they answered me in English, I answered in Japanese. One store owner, the one my sister actually remembers in her own trip to Japan two months earlier, did ask me if I was a local. I said no and said I was from the Philippines. She smiled at me and said my diction was good. Still rusty though but I can live by as a tourist XDD.

I also gotten a weird omikuji when I prayed in Senso-ji. Still good luck but the translation still baffles me.

Photos and some tips to you lot are down below!

My bed in closeup on my last day. One of the most comfy beds i had tried on a hotel. The other one was in Hong Kong in 2010.

My old school key in my hotel in Asakusa!!!

My hotel! I recommend this place if you will be staying in Asakusa.

Me showin’ you how empty the streets are that morning!

This is the closest convenience store close to Hotel Shirobara Inn Asakusa. I bought some of my meals here.

Ciao Asakusa… I’ll see you soon

After leaving Asakusa, I went straight to Tokyo Station to get a train to Narita International Airport. If you have a Japan Rail Pass holder in your trip like you see here, you don’t have to pay an extra fee for the Narita Express. It’s like the Shinkansen to Narita because Narita is actually in another prefecture and taking a different route will take you 2 hours or so to get there.

The Narita Express’s seats are reserved and to reserve one, look for a Midori no Madoguchi (ticket office) in Tokyo Station or Yokohama Station and reserve your seat and what time you will leave. If you arrived via Narita International Airport, all terminals have midori no madoguchi counters for you to get a ticket to it.

A round trip ticket of the Narita Express is around 4,000 yen (used to be 6,000 yen but its on a promo) and you can pick what time you will leave upon purchasing ^^.

So feel like going back to Shizuoka when I saw this

This is what the NEX advisory board looks like XDD

The Narita Express Terminal and the one which goes to Chiba have their platforms underground and it was one loooong escalator going down!

My car number in the Narita Express ^^

My luggage and eco bag… ended up resorting that in the airport… hahaha. If you will ask me about the tape, my mum placed those. The airline crew of Asiana in Korea loved it when they saw it since my mum brought this luggage bag to the US on her last trip

The Narita Express. I did get a photo of the actual train but it looked blurry so this will do. It does look sleek like the shinkansen but its front part is a bit boxy. Nonetheless, it looks really awesome!

The Narita Express also travels to nearby areas like Ofuna, Yokohama, Kamakura, and others. On normal hours like the time I rode this, it doesn’t stop in the middle of the trip like in Chiba and Sakura. But it does do so on usual rush hour schedules and it acts like an express line. I tried those when I went to Kokubunji

Like the shinkansen, it comes with a big table/tray for your food or laptop and a socket.

Reminders on the Narita Express for the seats and others :) Its multilingual so don’t worry!

This train is actually fast. Shame I didn’t get to see Tokyo Tower before it zoomed away x_X

Me trying to draft the you know what.. haha, but eventually I rewrote it again when I got home to the Philippines

The Narita Express stops at Terminal 1 and Terminal 2. Terminal 3 doesn’t have a line yet though I believe they will make one before the time of the Olympics… the walk was like Nagisaen!

To go to Terminal 3, you have to get out of Terminal 2 and walk to there. It is a bit of a walk to be honest

But they do have super cool pathways. Haha. The man in the side is cleaning the walls with a cool vacuum brush of some sort.

I ended up having to stop in a nearby vendo and rest area when I saw this… its too far from Terminal 2!

Finally reached Terminal 3. Terminal 3 is where the budget airlines are like Vanilla Air and Jetstar. When I went there, everything looked bleak and such and the ceilings as you can see are still not installed. Seems they are also preparing this terminal for the Olympics.

This is me and my cool friend Kaori. We actually met because of a friend of mine *shout out to my little snowflake* and helped me out with my Day 2 Nagisaen tickets. Was supposed to actually see her in Nagisaen but that was impossible! She spent some time with me in the airport after her shift and gave cool gifts for me and my nephew whom she dotes so much.

My nephew has a lot of fans *nods sagely*

I wanted to take her home, but I got no idea what tax fees are included. Though my friend is actually quite a jetsetter herself. Around this time, she and i were talking about her drought of OOR… then comes that announcement. Hahaha

Kaori treated me in this stall for early dinner/snack or something. Around this time, I was asked by Jetstar to wait for 20 minutes for the PA just in case my luggage didn’t pass inspections. We had our laughs because the PA system keeps announcing Jetstar passengers and Manilla Air (does sound like it when you hear it)

Yeah. got addicted to the karaage from Ueno x_X

Kaori saw me off till around this place (see you soon XDD). I’ll probably splurge the next time I come to the country coz I found Shiroi Koibito in this area and I passed by it x_X

Jetstar Japan plane which leaves after us apparently. The plane i rode in was the one beside it (not on photo)

Final selfie in Japan for Mei-ed in Nippon T_T Soooo sad to be leaving but happy of the memories

That TV says Manila

Already on the plane when I took the shot and I believe we were preparing for departure

Sayonara Nippon! Till I see you again T_T

Arrival card for Manila and the health checklist

Dinner. Yup, definitely changing my choices on my next Jetstar trip but it was still good

Originally… I asked for black tea but I was given green tea. Hahaha

The beautiful skyline of Manila. I am indeed home

Touchdown Manila. I’ll take this flight in my next trip to Japan though I can try the others XDD

As I conclude this post, I smile at the thought I was able to fulfill several goals in this trip. I didn’t include everything that happened to me in Japan, leaving that to my white scrapbook which I have yet to touch again considering all the madness in my life at the moment. But, it seems I will be flying back there soon…

After all, if one’s Ambition is make it to that country, you’d do everything just to get to it.

Next post… I’m going to look at my backlog though I have a big one coming up XDD

Last photo of my mum’s new ref magnets. Haha. The red one is the one I bought in Asakusa and the other one is in Nagoya Castle.


About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript


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