Hello everyone,

Yeah I have been in hiatus for the past couple of weeks for a variety of reasons *ahem FFXV… huhuhuhu still not over it!!!* and as always, my backlog has reached sky high again… Sigh. Next year’s resolution? Hahahha, I always break it unfortunately so no no. Hopefully I will be able to finish some of it before the month ends. Haha, which is close? Hahaha. I need to make a year-ender too… so many things to write about…

Anyway, for this entry, I’ll discuss to you one reason I was away from the blog and all that.

A few weeks ago, I was out of town and into a new place, an island called Palawan. The trip is actually a surprise one for me and my little brother because my dad decided to drop it on us so randomly one day. We thought we wouldn’t go till I got handed the ticket. Surreal things sure have happened to me this year it seems.

Here are some photos of the trip and some tidbits about them as a guide so when you go visit, you know what to do :))

To go to Puerto Princesa, you got the a variety of schedules to choose from in the local airline carriers, including Air Asia. We took Philippine Airlines.

Slightly dark but this is my little brother, taking photos of our journey. It has been a while since we went on a trip :))

Touchdown to Puerto Princesa. From Manila, its just a one hour flight.

The plane we took :) Its a small one, but its perfect for the short trips.

Since we arrived super early in Palawan, we decided to go ahead with our island hopping in Honda Bay. You can ask your hotel to help you with the tours around the island’s top destinations.

In our case, my dad’s friend had gotten us a van for our use throughout our stay and he helped us with our tour around Palawan.

Honda Bay has several islands for visitors to check out. One of them is this one, Starfish Island. When we arrived, we saw this super long sand bar! Me and my brother had quite a time checking it out… even if it was slightly long!

Reminds me of Boracay XD

Panorama view of Starfish Island!

That’s a real life starfish. In Starfish Island, you can get a chance to see one up close with the help of the guides there. Unfortunately, you have to bring them back after a few minutes to the sea so they will continue to live. Up close, you will see its little suckers moving.

Beautiful sky

After Starfish Island, we went to two other islands. I forgot the second one, but this specific photo is from the third one, Cowrie Island.

I took this in our second day in Palawan. This is overlooking where we’ved been yesterday if I remember correctly.

This is Sabang Beach which is the main port area for those wishing to go to the Puerto Princesa Underground River Nature Park. For those intending to visit, you must schedule your trip with your travel agent or hotel because the park only accepts a certain number of trips every day to make sure the park remains untouched by man too much. The Park – through the Coast Guards- also has the right to cancel trips if the tides are too rough, if its high tide in the underground river or if the weather is too bad. You also need to provide your identification upon scheduling and pay a fee.

When we came, the tides were too rough and it was raining heavily. However, we were able to go to the park after some waiting.

The entrance to the Puerto Princesa Underground River.

When you arrive, you will be briefed about the safety protocols in the Park, given a hardhat and your very own audio guide because you can’t make a super loud sound in the cave lest you invoke the wrath of the bats living in the cave. If you do make even a single loud sound, your boat guide will turn around and you have to start all over again.

The audio guide tells you the various features of the cave and the history behind it.

My iPhone 5 is not good with night time shots but this one reflects the Candle in the Cathedral. Lol, it looks like a very big candle in a very beautiful dome like area in the cave. It was spooky but it was very beautiful in person

I think this formation is the Nativity. Your boat guide will open his flashlight and use it as the spotlight to point to you every interesting formation in the cave.

This isn’t complete but the stalactite there is like a sweet corn.

The trip was around 30 minutes or so but it is very informative.

The beach close to the Underground River is so beautiful.

We were heck exhausted after our trip to the Underground River but we made time for this place to see some crocodiles.

This the actual skull of the second largest croc caught in the country. I forgot the name, but it was found in Palawan after chomping a fisherman’s arm off. It died because of stress. The park has his entire skeleton on display at the front entrance.

And the park also has its skin. Originally, this could have been sold to stores for quite a lot of money since crocodile skins are great for bags and some other things. However, you can’t use skins if the crocodile is very old due to the rigidity of the skin once it ages.

After the crocodile park, we went to Bakers’ Hill and Mitra Park. Bakers’ Hill is the paradise for all those who love pastries and man! I went on a binge – sadly I didn’t get to enjoy my crinkles much because by the time we got home, i got super sick and found out my brother had ate most of the crinkles. Mitra was this big vacation home of one family and turned it to a park of some sort. It has an entrance fee but you can still see a great view in the side.

On the third day, I went to the public market with my dad and our companion and bought some local souvenirs.

Great trip to travellers who want to buy some dried fish and so on, the market can pack it for you in such a way it will be allowed on the plane. We got ours packed at the market for a hundred pesos or so. You can even use the containers afterward for other things.

After making sure we packed up, had great lunch at Balinsasayaw Restaurant and waited for our flight not long after.

Touchdown Manila

Not sure what my first trip in the incoming year will be but I hope its going to be exciting! I greet you guys a splendid Merry Christmas (and for those who don’t celebrate it, Happy Holidays)! Next blog entry is on its way. I need to get some earplugs first. Fan service!!


About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript


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