Welcome welcome to the newly designed and if I may say so myself, a more classy take of Autumn Sky. Yes, for the new year, we need to lighten things up a bit here and well… let’s just say this year will be awesome that the layout needs to appear as such! Haha! It might be late but its worth it I promise.
Anyway! I shared a couple of photos in my Instagram account a few days ago showing you quite a lot of ONE OK ROCK merchandise I recently gotten as part of the new album release. Considering how many they are and how much teaser photos I took, I decided to divide the merch into several entries to make sure you guys won’t curse me for another long entry. Though I guess I’m still going to get your curses coz this will be one photo-long entry. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!!!!
The first off in our list are these two:

Yup! First up on our list is the hard copy of ONE OK ROCK’s Ambitions. This is the first time I ever bought a hard CD of the band’s albums since I mostly use iTunes to do that. However, since both are limited editions, forget my wallet and let’s get on with it! Hahaha!
Ambitions [Japanese Limited Edition CD+DVD]
Inside the CD, you will see this cool street art of the album made by Fueled by Ramen’s Street Team. I gotta say, this would have been a way better cover for both album covers.
You get two disks with the limited edition. The CD for the tracks and the DVD for the studio jam version. It’s also designed with graffiti!
Here is the CD booklet intro of the tracks included ^^. Its carefully hidden in a sleeve on the album packaging.
Of course you get the lyrics of the tracks and their titles in graffiti form!
This has got to be my favorite page XD Unique graffiti!
With your lyrics booklet comes this guide for the Japan Tour… sigh. Another goal in the works
Yep! Played my DVD with my PS4. I need to invest on a CD/DVD/BD drive for my Mac.
Same clothes from their Taking Off (acoustic ver) video
They should really make a BD version of this… DVD is not so good
If you want to get your copy of the limited edition version of Ambitions, you can head on to Amazon JP, CDJapan, A!Smart and your favorite Japanese shop. Remember, this version is “limited” so stocks may get sold out. The other limited edition from the previous albums of ONE OK ROCK which are now sold through auctions are worth quite a lot now so go get a copy while it is still there!
Next one is the International Version. I actually got this through Amazon UK. I wasn’t really intending to buy the international version because of the cover and I could always just get it in iTunes. However, one night, I found the video of ONE OK ROCK promoting an Exclusive and Signed copy of the International Version in Amazon UK. It’s but rare and well, it was affordable than the Japanese equivalent which made me go for it. Best decision ever! The price changed after a day or two before it got sold out.
I received this copy alongside the JP version (arrived the same day) . Took only a week to be honest for this one to come to me. Kudos to Amazon UK! Unfortunately, the CD cover got cracked upon transit. Sigh. At least I got this untouched inside.
The signed cover card. At first i thought it was not really signed considering how smooth the sign is but I saw other versions of this so I know its legit. Finally got a clear copy of Taka’s signature coz in my poster from last year, he had to switch pens. Hahahha. I seriously need to get a better copy next time!
This is the acknowledgements page in the back of the lyrics booklet and hidden by the signed card.
Sample page of the lyrics. It is very simple but its fine.
Ahhh, it was all yellow as that other song said. I need to buy a new camera and a mini-studio for my next product reviews. Hahahaha! The next update will be nosebleed for some of you guys :) I cannot wait!