
Well, I’ll be blogging this one because I forgot to give you a grand tour in the previous update. Hahaha! It was all yellow.

This entry is to give you some of the cool highlights of the new look of Autumn Sky.

  1. New layout: This layout is known as “Valentina” by Seaboard Themes. It came with two versions: Light and Dark.
  2. Header and Footer: Has the site name, subtitle (I have to admit I like the snappy subtitle), when this site was made (so I wont forget) and the mini chibi head of my favorite anime bishie Kyoya Hibari (copyrights to the owner. This was on my backfile I have years ago).
  3. Slider feature: Comes with the site options. I’ll be readjusting what pops in the slider ^^
  4. Since this layout is in grid format, you can now see three columns. One is the latest posts, second is the popular posts and the third is the sidebar.
  5. Added newsletter feature (still testing this)
  6. Instagram feed on the bottom (way classy)
  7. Disclaimer included (just to make sure you guys know the 411)
  8. My Twitter feed can be accessed by clicking the bars icon on the main header.

I will still be updating the pages to double check if everything works seamlessly but so far. It looks so cool!

Next update is in progress. Now I must turn my attention to Love for 10969… which looks also cool in its own way.

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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