
We are close to the end of the ONE OK ROCK magazine peeks and for this one, its interesting to say its still in season :))

Today’s entry is about ONE OK ROCK’s appearance for GQ Japan, a subsidiary and local brand of known fashion magazine GQ. I won’t go the details, but the magazine shows the latest trends, happenings and all others in society today. It also features some of the world’s favorite acts, including those in the local biz.

For the April Issue (which is released a bit early always in Japan), it features ONE OK ROCK and the Youth… kinda an interesting combo considering the nature of their now new anthem “We Are”. Photos down below!!!


The cover! This thing immediately went on out of stock mode a few hours after it was announced. You can still get a copy of this in Amazon JP as of press time.


The deadly group photo of these boys!


This is how expensive their clothes are… very expensive x_X


The short interview with the boys focused on their new album, Nagisaen and also the youth :)


Yojiro Noda is HOT!!!!

Alongside ONE OK ROCK, GQ also cited some of Japan’s top artists who are considered idols of the youth today!


What is your stance on the youth?

One more magazine to go before I can consider this a wrap of Mei’s ONE OK ROCK magazine peeks guide over! I have so many of these. I actually checked my box of stuff of OOR and its already almost full… to think I’m getting some more within the year. AH money, I wonder how much this is now. LOL

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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