Konnichassu minna!

Yes yes, I am alive and unhappily saying I’m still buried in a lot of paperwork. A lot has happened since my last blog on March (Yeah… it had been that long of a hiatus… sigh) and pretty much shook 2017 for me, saying this year is going to be as crazy as last year… even crazier than that if everything goes according to plan.

The reason for this craziness is going to be revealed soon… I don’t want to jinx it yet but i have alluded on it several times on Instagram :)) If it all goes well, I’d be posting it here how it went. Seriously crazy paperwork was involved in that and even now as I write this… wow, definitely still nervous since I have to do other stuff with the agencies. Wish me luck for it.

I will be updating with my back log in a few hours (once all my work is done) and sort out Love for 10969 again. Haha, this busy stuff is making my head all dizzy. But a Kami has got to do what she gotta do… most of the next incoming stock is hehehehe, photo madness so cheers!!!

Oh! Expect the new post this Saturday. In light of the Holy Week, I will be observing a slight reprieve from work to do some meditation and rest. One needs a lot of rest and time in meditation. Yep, this one knows how to do it sort of. Lol!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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