Yo minna!

I haven’t posted in a month due to lack of time… and the lack of topics I can make a blog about. However, time passed and I did have things to write about. Hahaha! What a crazy madness May… I can only imagine what madness is in Mei’s horizon this June. I gotta say it will be a busy one for me.

Anyway, the first up for the list of Mei’s May escapades is my summer break in Batangas!

The last time I have been in Batangas is pretty much for our Visita Iglesia back in 2016. Aside from this last visit, I have spent some of my summers down south… but the last time in memory? it was back in 2009. To be honest, Batangas wasn’t really our original destination this year because my parents were looking at Bataan for the annual trip. However, for some reason, my mom ended up think about Club Balai Isabel in Batangas.

We were last in this specific resort in 2009 in one of my sister’s early trips back home after she migrated to the US. Back then, the place was small and was still in the middle of development. When I was sorting out the reservations for the trip, we discovered the place have expanded since we last visited… well come on, I haven’t been here for years! We even discovered that they also have their own inflatable park. With some fixing, we were off to Batangas!!

Photos below for some of the stories.


Resort map. Back then, only a part of this was open.



One of the three pools in the resort. This used to be the main one back then and it had more greens around it and the shower is nearby too.


The largest pool they got now, comes with an infinity outlook and the view of the inflatable aqua park.



If you are checked-in as a guest, you can play in this white and grey playground for as low as 450 pesos for one hour and 1,450 for four hours.
If you aren’t checked in, you have to pay the Day Tour tickets which starts at 990 pesos to 1,850 pesos.





Afternoon view of Taal Lake. And no, the small mountain-like formation on the right isn’t the actual Taal Volcano. It’s actually the larger island behind it.



The following day, after some swimming (because we were bone tired the previous day), we passed by Caleruega again. Its great to visit this place without people!!!!



We meet again you high hill to the Transfiguration Chapel… I wasn’t supposed to go here, but I ended up doing it anyway… urgh




Transfiguration Chapel



That big brick there is actually the main chapel of Caleruega. hahaha. It’s on the other side of the hill



Somewhere in this photo, you will spot my little brother. Hahaha



Main Church of Caleruega… and yet again, you’ll see my little brother somewhere here.



To end this short Batangas post? Haha, I leave you this. This is from Amira’s Bake Shop. If you want to try out something new, aside from the usual pasalubong from Colettes, try this place. It’s actually pretty good… their tarts and chewy bars!

Next post? Hahaha, more merch checks but it may not be purely that. Hope you liked the new watermarks. Haha, brainwaves hits in random times these days.

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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