
Well, last installment of this late entry. Man! I cannot wait to go back to Tokyo now that I did this entry! All the details you need are under each photo and mind you, this one is a short entry.


Morning in Asakusa while I’m getting breakfast. Always love seeing this view whenever I’m staying at Shirobara, especially in the morning.


The weather around that morning was ok, a bit breezy but still pretty hot. There were already some people walking around when I got out that morning for breakfast.


The street where the other entrance to Hotel Shirobara Inn Asakusa is located. I never used this entrance when I first stayed here. Much to my brother’s annoyance when we realized it was ok to use. Hahaha!


Omurice breakfast!


In order for us to get to the airport in record time and pretty much not go the long route we used when we arrived, I opted to try out the Keisei Skyliner which had their station in Ueno (Which was a station away from our hotel. Unfortunately I did not get to use our reserved tickets since I missed the special requirement to get our redemption tickets from the same area in the airport we got our Tokyo Metro passes from. Its a regret but fortunately, I was able to get us tickets.


This is how the ticket looks like. Same I wasn’t able to keep it for my scrapbook, but this photo will do.





Travelling in the Skyliner reminded me so much of my trip using NE’X which was also a fast train to the airport. In the case of the Skyliner though, I got to see more of the Japanese suburbs in Chiba and also reach Nippori. The ride was also quite good and fast. Seats were also comfy. I don’t have preferences, but if you are after a cheaper fast train to and fro the airport, its the Skyliner you should pick.


Touchdown Narita Terminal 2 Departures Area. We had to make our way to the Post Office before checking in because I had to return our internet. I will do a review on that in the next coming entries.


Check in area for Cebu Pacific Air is quite far so if you have any business in the A-P areas, like going to the Post Office, the malls and the like, best do it before you check in since it is in the other end of the hall.


My favorite Apple juice which I wanted to bring back home but had to drink before we got into Immigrations. I really need to find a way to import this thing back home in my next trip! *tips will be appreciated!*


Departures, huhuhu, this is goodbye again T_T


After immigrations, my brother allowed me to shop for more souvenirs since we were missing a few and he can’t be bothered to pick again. When we were done, we ended up going to Terminal 1 again since our plane was placed again in that end of the airport. Walkathon again! Nice view though


Boarding time ^^v


Bye for now Tokyo!


I practically learned quite a lot with this trip. One, never go to Tokyo in Summer unless you are 100% ready to face the heat. Two, travel alone if you can and hopefully if you do go travel with someone, make sure he won’t ask too many questions. I have forgotten how exasperating travelling with my younger brother is especially when he’s in his snits. Three, always, always go double check what you reserved. Four, get my own luggage bag since the one we brought was toooo hard to bring along. It’s in my to buy list for the coming year. Other stuff I learnt? I shall keep that to myself.

When will be my next trip in Japan? Hahhaa, well, it’s all determined. Sadly its not going to be in Tokyo, but I am looking forward to coming back for Sakura season. Maybe in my birthday I will go back.

Next entry coming your way soon!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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