
Well, let’s not prolong your agonies even further, especially for those waiting for this post! Hahaha!

As noted in my previous entries, one of the reasons I went to Japan on an April was to witness the Nagoya half of the ONE OK ROCK 2018 Ambitions Dome Tour. While I have seen the band in Manila for the Asia tour, Dome Tour is their finale for the Ambitions World Tour and well, as they say, Dome Tours are the pinnacle of any Japanese star’s career. If you get to play on the Domes, you’d know you come so far from your humble origins. If we will consider ONE OK ROCK’s history, well, they truly have gone a long way since they formed 13 years ago.

Fortunately for me, I was able to secure Nagoya Day 1 through my Primal Footmark draw (and interestingly, Day 1 of the Fukuoka shows). However, I opted to go for Nagoya because for one, my friend Mai got the Nagoya Day 2 live on her own draw, I also wanted to go around Nagoya since I barely went around on my first visit, and I pretty much am out of my league with Fukuoka. As it turned out, I should have been to Fukuoka due to the fact it was a front row ticket when I found out about it upon my return to the country… but then again, Nagoya was perfect and my friend Ayra – who has watched all the previous Dome shows prior to the Nagoya show (and pretty much the Fukuoka shows after it) – said Nagoya should have been the one that was recorded for the possible DVD/BD of the Dome Tour.

We did get stand tickets for the Nagoya shows and much to our utter surprise, especially for this day’s live, it was perfect!

Anyway! Here are some of the photos first and the stories, then below it, the live report! (Thanks to Ayra for the translations on the MC. Even if I could understand some of it, haha, I’m no expert in Japanese so I rather get a cheatsheet rather than use my memory on some parts of it!).



This is actually me when I was fetching my friend Hannah from her hotel. Wearing a mask since I have no idea if my allergies would pop up considering the blooming flowers around me and it was too cold, drying my lips completely! Hahaha. I am also wearing the ONE OK ROCK shirt sold for the Manila live since I never really wore it in the Manila live… eventually, the said shirt got some bit of a moment when one of the Japanese fans spotted me in Nagoya Dome wearing it and asked for a photo with me! Hahaha! I was so surprised when that happened!

マサヤさんに特別な挨拶! 私は次のライブであなたに会いたい!


After a quick train ride on the Meijo Line from Sakae to Nagoya Dome-mae Station (the station where Nagoya Dome is), we were welcomed by this scene! Fans lining up to buy ONE OK ROCK merchandise and also take photos on the displays! I was fortunate enough to purchase from the first pre-order of the merchandise in A!Smart so I didn’t have to line up. I did want the parka, but considering the space of my carry-on, I decided to get it later on (eventually asked someone to get it for me in Fukuoka).

On a different day, this scene would have been different since Nagoya Dome is primarily a baseball field and home to the Chunichi Dragons, one of the major players in the Central League. It would have been a scene of blue, pink and white if it was a baseball game! Hahaha!


The merch display! Many were posing with it as a backdrop. Hannah wanted me to pose with it but naaaah! I wasn’t even wearing the official merch! Hahahaha!


One of the banners’ of the live. The Nagoya shows are organized by the Sunday Folk Promotion!


After getting in the gates where you get the official promotional pamphlets of the lives and something else (See next photos), we got some quick snack since the live doesn’t start till 7pm. Inside Nagoya Dome, you get to see stands selling all kinds of finger food – from takoyaki, fries, yakitori to popcorn – and drinks. Hannah and I gotten this very very long french fries to share. I found the taste a bit odd though I suppose it’s because it isn’t the usual french fries served in fast food chains and it used a different type of seasoning and salt. It was still good though!


One of the most interesting things in this year’s Dome Tour, aside from the fact there’s no moshpit (yes, sad reality… no mosh), is this light watch! They hand it with the official pamphlets for the live and even if you want to bring it home as a souvenir, you can’t since they ask it after every performance. It doesn’t light up most of the time, but in certain songs, as I experienced that night and the next, wow, it is just amazing!


Now here’s the live report as I remember it!!!! As always, I will input what i remember per song so yay you all! But in a nutshell, IT WAS PERFECT AND FLAWLESS! I DO NOT REGRET WATCHING IN NAGOYA! HAHAHA!

Like in the Manila live, we pretty much waited in anticipation (And mostly enjoyed the seats we got since we’re like in Lower Box A). When the last reminders (no photography in the Dome even if the show hasn’t started yet) were said, everyone just stood up and cheered. I wanna see the liveeeee!

Taking Off came in first and before it began, the lights were a spectacle as the light watches lit up and the stage was filled with smoke. Then you would notice some falling stars lighting up the main ramp and the stage where the band would be in. After a few minutes of darkness, in came the chilling vocals of Taka as he is illuminated by a spotlight. OMG, if you see his profile picture in IG now, its that! The music was slightly different than the original version since it started slow then the tempo went fast. The LCDs were also very small around this time, though the reason why is to be answered when the next song came in.

Mikansei Koukyoukyoku – From an angsty song to a cheerful song, fireworks suddenly flared as ONE OK ROCK shouted out their first greetings for Nagoya. Haha, I really wish Manila had this much fireworks on the stage but its a hazard I admit so it has to be thought off carefully first before it can be applied in the Manila stage.

Kimishidai Ressha followed shortly and I think this is one of the songs where Taka said we should sway our hands. It’s odd to hear “Sway” as one of the orders to the mosh. Hahaha!

Cry Out (English version) was next and its a surprise to me still its the English that was performed. It mostly reminded me of the Manila VFX and why are we not seeing a mosh! Urgh! But we responded when the backup vocals came in and we also did some sync clapping. We had to make do with the lack of mosh.

To add this bit, I forgot if the introduction was done around this time, but just to add it so I say its added, haha, Ryota had a very interesting headpiece in his and Toru was quite chatty. They were glowing too. Don’t ask about what they said, but they all said they were happy to be back in Nagoya and Tomoya just made us all hungry when he mentioned all the Nagoya delicacies he tried out.

The Way Back (Japanese version) came next and I never thought I’d be hearing this one in a live at all. It’s one of my favorite songs from the 35XXXV Deluxe Edition and its Japanese version is also a favorite of mine. Not to mention, it began with some flames puffing ever so often in the intro to coincide with the drum beats. Can we please have this effect on the overseas lives?

Bedroom Warfare (English version) – For this next song… well, I am just saying this reminded me horribly of Manila’s live! They used the same VFX (the squiggles) and the performance version too! Urgh! I so love this song so much! And just like Manila, the Japanese were in sync when shouting the line “Keep your enemies!”

Clock Strikes was simply amazing as well as Taka began with his usual gestures on this and we all sang on the long backup vocals in the second verse. The lights were also adding up to the drama of this song and we had our hands up and pumped them as we sang along the chorus. Anthemic song is anthemic!

One Way Ticket reminded me so much of Manila when it started playing. Toru’s Boho-like instrumental came into the speakers and man, its like being transported off to an island somewhere. At the middle part of the song, confetti suddenly burst on the main ramp, giving you the idea that Taka’s singing on an empty street on a snowy night. I got no idea how that got into my head to be honest, but it just fits that image at that moment! And Taka was also dancing his way as he sang… emo much!

After One Way Ticket, the lights pretty much went dark and the large screens showed a short clip showing the band’s humble origins since they began in 2005 to the present. The videos didn’t show Tomo and Alex on the first few years, but seeing Taka, Toru, Ryota and Tomoya that young and playing on small bars and concert rooms was something. I have seen some of their old performances when we were doing the ONE OK ROCK: A History of Rock for the Manila lives but wow, the clips were just something else! It was a blast from the past and we all watched in awe. Of course, I was proud to say when Nagisaen popped up, I was pretty happy I’m part of it.

When the clip ended, the band suddenly spoke and off they were in the Acoustic stage. Much to our happiness, the seats I got for the day, were close to the Acoustic stage so we got to see the foursome up close. Ahhh, all I can say is they look pretty good from our place. Toru’s arms were on display too! Hahaha! And they amusingly walked around the stage to say hi to the people and asked if everyone could see them from the main stage and those on the two ends of the Dome. Taka even said they look so small (like ants Tenno-sama?) from his view from the acoustic stage to the main stage. Hahaha, yes, they were small, but thank you LCD we can see you!

Anyway, I noticed the mic Taka used for the acoustic stage shifted to the infamous red one instead of the white one which he was using in the first half of the live. I suppose its part of the reminiscing portion of the MC.

Speaking of the MC part, it was mostly the usual shenanigans of the guys, with Taka mostly commenting on Ryota’s scarf (which he turned into a bandana) and telling everyone it looks like those headpieces worn by kids during sports day. Lol, its the first time Ryota donned such a style in the Dome Tour so it was pretty interesting to see. Proves to show Nagoya is something else as comparison to the previous four lives. Ryota himself also spoke about him being so pumped up for Nagoya (by comparison to the Osaka and Tokyo lives), yes, he did add the whole scarf for Nagoya. Special us!

They also talked about the weather since it was effin cold even if the whole Dome was jampacked. That’s actually one of the things I noticed too. Even if we were full, and in the stands, it was still cold. The band pretty much teased each other coz they were wearing tees despite the cold, especially Taka.

They also spoke about the history of Kanzen Kankaku Dreamer, including how the song’s title came up from a random talk with friends (if memory serves me right). Apparently they couldn’t think of a good title at first, until someone just shouted ‘Kanzen’, then added Kankaku, Dreamer together and remarked ‘hey that sounded good! let’s use that!’

They also spoke about their Nagoya escapades, from where they first performed (Toru couldn’t, for the life of him, remember where they first performed though he does remember it was a small venue), how it felt like and the things they would eat. At that point, I got hungry for some tebasaki. Hahaha, darn you Tomoya! Toru also got into the whole history of him playing a guitar while drunk, which was the time Alex left the group.

They also spoke about those who haven’t seen ONE OK ROCK live yet and if there was anyone on the dome at that time who just watched them now. Hannah, my friend who has yet to see ONE OK ROCK live, was one of them and if I remember right from what Ayra said to Hannah that time, Taka said “What have you been doing up till now to have missed us?” Lol, it is a crazy question but valid to say the least. Where have you been all this time and why are you just hearing ONE OK ROCK now? Lol.

What got us all amused and cracked up is when Toru, of all people, made a quick comment about the recent controversy Taka got in that week – which was about him being spotted with Mai Asada, sister of Mao Asada. Toru suddenly asked “So what about that mystery woman?” Predictably, Taka was quick to react to that while everyone was reacting on it and put a stop to it, adding “It’s too difficult to live in this country now” coz anything you do – especially if it deals with a girl in his case – it would be on the frontpage the next day. Poor Tenno-sama. Hahahaha!

They did add to the whole Toruka controversy with Taka saying they used to go out for dinner a lot. But Toru came in and said, just to clear things up, it was with friends (seriously now Toru! Hahahaha)

Naihi Shinsho (Acoustic) was the first one on the acoustic corner and Taka introduced it as a song which was their first single (yes it was), and spoke a little bit about how it was made and all. I really wish ONE OK ROCK makes an acoustic album. All their acoustic renditions are so good.

Wherever You Are (Acoustic/Original rendition) came next and the lights from our watches just added to the drama. Although they performed the original rendition (it doesn’t have the long crowd solo like in the other times this song is performed), the song still breaks my heart.

After Wherever You Are, Taka pretty much had his moment as the other three left him on the stage. Kinda reminiscent on how he shooed them all away in Nagisaen’s acoustic live. There was also this point when someone shouted ‘Ayup! Moriuchi!’ and Taka just cracked up and kept saying ‘Ayup’ ever so often as he was preparing his next piece. Eventually, he told everyone, who would keep shouting it at him, to stop so he could sing the next piece but he was smiling still.

Before beginning his piece, we were treated to some of his guitar solos before talking about Last Dance‘s acoustic arrangement and spoke a little bit about the song. My take on the acoustic? Still, make an acoustic version ONE OK ROCK because it was very interesting to hear this utterly emotional song in that different tone.

After a short break, the Instrumental came in and man, it was like being inside an infrared since the lights were all red. Toru and Ryota took their cues and began their epic rifts, they were performing a new one and in comes Tomoya! Tomoya took a longer drum solo here and boy oh boy! This tomato is a genius! His expressions were also matching the beats he was making and when Toru and Ryota added their own rifts to Tomoya’s beats, it was music nirvana.

Sure enough, after at least 3 minutes, Tomoya shouted a count before the next song began with the flourish.

Deeper Deeper came in and we were all in sync as we clapped during the intro, then shouted some of the lines back at the band. The VFX was also something to remember since it kept changing per verse. And also, there was also some great action from Toru and Ryota. Not to mention, the closeups for them and Tomoya were just so cute! Hahha, Tomo especially!

I Was King used the same color scheme and VFX from the Manila live. I can’t remember the other things that happened in this song. Hahaha! So blank.

Take What You Want was one of the songs I was looking forward to hear in this setlist. It began with a little speech from Taka, thanking everyone for coming and talking about their career so far. Rest of the things he said was all hazy to me because everything just went silent after he spoke and it was chilling that no one really shouted or anything. Then the powerful vocals came on and the light show! Ack! The theme of this dome tour should have been cosmos due to the lights! Ack! Even the ceiling is a lightshow on its own. And yes, we also did the long backup chorus just like in Manila and the handgestures of the King were killing.

The Beginning – Ah! Another favorite of mine in this setlist and boy oh boy! I like to complain when Taka said it was their final set (nooooh! But its inevitable its the last trio for the main set!). The cosmos light show is back (I need to see this again on the DVD/BD or on the WOWOW broadcast next month!) and again, due to the lack of mosh, not much movement save our hands and heads. I want my mosh back!!!

Mighty Long Fall came in next and seriously, even if there’s no mosh, we would still headbang when the music calls for it! Haha! The lights were also in infrared, especially on the long instrumental. Taka was also giving his all during the headbang session. You have to wonder what would have happened if there was a mosh and this song was playing in Nagoya Dome… possibilities!

Nobody’s Home was the final song on the main set and the thing I mostly remembered for this was the part the fans singing a part of this song and responding to every last part of each line.

When Nobody’s Home ended, everyone immediately shouted Encore and in my case, I was mostly looking at the time since Ayra told us the show is 3 hours long and if my phone had actually charged since around this time, my phone was almost dead. Hahaha!

Not long after, the boys came out again wearing their Ambitions shirts (Taka mostly had his on top of his red tee) and Taka came to ask if we wanted more. Of course we do Tenno-sama and the first thing that came is Change.

Change – First time to ever hear this live and even if the song was just 2 minutes, Taka definitely made the song longer by singing the Chorus at least twice and added some of his vocals on it. You sir are on top form today! I have heard he kept messing this song in the previous four lives but no errors for the emperor! And interestingly, the background VFX reminds me of paint splatters like in the album covers but mostly in cotton candy variants. Hahaha! Pop indeed and apparently, indeed a new style of ONE OK ROCK… really now? Hahaha!

Kanzen Kankaku Dreamer – For this one, we were just blown away when the magic that is Toruka came to life. Taka suddenly just knelt before Toru and hugged his lower body close as they performed the intro and we were like… WHUUUT! *system overload* Hahaha! Toruka really aims to please and it is a staple of every OOR live. I wonder how many people died in the crowd when it happened. Hahaha!

The VFX for this is actually quite interesting because if you guys ever saw the video of the band’s “This is My Budokan” concert, you would notice that when they performed this piece, the screen would show the lyrics of the song. You just can’t help but sing along as you watch the screens as this song was playing, and as crazy as it was made, it was a crazy one when we sang in sync with this song. Hahaha! Truly epic it was.

We Are was the final song for the night and Taka clearly know the right words to say before we all raised our hands up and let our light watches glow. He iterated his thanks to everyone and spoke about details about the song. I pretty much didn’t get all of it but I know he’s sending all his love to all. And I was pretty distracted singing to this song. I loved the 18sai version and we got to do it. Dome version! And there was also confetti! Shame it did not pass by me! NOOOO!

After We Are, the band made their usual rounds to wave to the fans for taking the time off to see them perform that day and also caused many to smile coz they got some of the band’s items that were launched to them. There was also a lucky fan who gotten signature merch from the band! We also posed for the family picture, which was taken by Rui Hashimoto! I still am a bit sad I can’t seem to catch his exhibits whenever I’m in Japan! The Nagoya exhibit for Sound Shooter was scheduled a week before the Nagoya lives… which was.. heartbreaking.

And well, my friends didn’t get to catch this apparently but the rest of us in the crowd – Me luckily included – saw Taka mouthing ‘Arigato’ and ‘Aishiteru’ on the camera before him (And reflecting on the LCD screens) and gave all of us a flying kiss! ACK! EVERYONE’S HEART IS DEAD I TELL YOU! DEAD!


After the live, we waited for our turn to get out of the Dome since they pretty much had to make sure we would all get our turn in the subway without congesting the entire subway of ONE OK ROCK fans. Haha. Deja vu from the Nagisaen lives!

When it was our turn, we slowly walked the congested corridors of Nagoya Dome and returned our light watches. For some reason, it was cold when we approached the doors but we then noticed it was pouring heavily outside. Fortunately, we all had our umbrellas and parkas to protect us… but then again, I came from the land of heat and the cold was unreal!


Deja vu walkgeddon to the subway photo!


Eventually, we did get back to Sakae after 30 minutes in the walkgeddon and the travel from Nagoya Dome to the station. I walked with Hannah back to her hotel to get something from her and walked my way back to the hotel. I took this photo despite the pouring rain. I got home after 10 minutes (having bought dinner along the way) and pretty much found my shoes and jacket soaking wet. Hahaha! You do something new everyday. Fortunately I opted to have some hot ramen for dinner to warm me up before resting for tomorrow’s oddities.

Too much deja vu makes me remember my first trip in Japan. Sigh.

Next day comes in very shortly!!!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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