
Well, its another day and another update for the Nagoya Experience and the title pretty much has some relevance as you will find out in the next couple of photos. Hahaha! This entry is for Day 3 and yes, it will be cut again into two because of what happens on the second half of this day.

Anyway! Enough with the extra chats, check the photos below to see what happened in them!



Began the day slightly late for the day because my friend Hannah pretty much was too out of it and cancelled on our original plans for the day. But, I did not let that stop me. Mei must exhaust all of Nagoya’s offering! Hahhaa! I was able to try out the breakfast buffet included in my hotel reservation (simple, but it was filling). I also had taken some time to dry my shoes which got wet the previous day with a blow dryer… Weird experience but it works.

And yes, I was wearing the actual Dome shirt and used the tote bag I got from the Manila live. Also wearing a mask again. Hahaha!


First order of business was get into the Meijo line to Nagoya Castle. It was just a short train ride from my hotel. I’d be using the same line to go to Nagoya Dome.


Once you arrive at Shiyakusho (City Center), you’d see this staircase with the design of Nagoya Castle in it. When I was taking this picture, the fellow on the right was posing for his friend. Hahaha. Stolen shot.


You would also get to see this in the station, an artwork of Nagoya Castle in the past. It’s really a vast complex. Sadly some of the buildings there are long gone, but reconstruction is being done now for some of it.


After a few minutes, you will find yourself in this entrance for Nagoya Castle. Adults would have to pay 500 yen for the entrance. You can get the 640 yen ticket if you plan to go to Tokugawa-en, the Garden close to the Tokugawa Art Museum. Unfortunately, that wasn’t on my list since the entrance to the Art Museum was a bit expensive and I didn’t have much time to do it on one day.


Here’s a list of the events for the day. Wasn’t able to catch one of these shows.


When I got in, this guy was welcoming everyone to the Castle grounds. I didn’t take my picture with him though Hahaha!


A bit dark but this is Hommaru Palace, the actual palace used by the former Shoguns. I didn’t go in since I already did the last time. Though I must admit it still looks brand new.


Dark again, but pretty much… it’s cherry blossoms! ARGH! I finally spotted some but it is too high!!!


Hommaru Palace and Nagoya Castle. This view didn’t look like the same one before. Haha! The Hommaru finally is larger!


Castle closeup!


Replica of the Shachihoko (I should visit the one in Karatsu and look for Viktor Nikiforov).




I didn’t go take a gander on the exhibit in the Castle since i have seen it already. But, I did go straight to the observation area to see this out! There was a lot of people when I got there interestingly.


After I got down of Nagoya Castle and went on my way to go look for lunch, I ended up meeting my friend Ayra – whom I was supposed to be seeing on Nagoya Dome that afternoon – and her friend (who was there to watch SPYAIR). We were just too amused and took this selfie. Later on in the day, Ayra stumbled upon our friend Mai, who was also visiting the Castle. Hahaha. small world indeed.


After the weird meeting in the Castle, I walked to the station and passed by the new dining establishments built outside the Castle complex. I found this interesting ice cream too! I didn’t try one because pretty much it was too cold for me to think about ice cream. It looks interesting and appetising too!


If i remember correctly, this is the main city hall of Nagoya. I’m not so sure if you can go in, but it looks pretty good.


Back in the station and off to Nagoya Dome once more for another round of madness!!!


Ready for the additional madness from Day 3? Hahaha, posting it very soon!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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