
Well here’s the next instalment of #yourmeiinapril – the 2018 Nagoya Experience, focusing on Day 4 of Mei’s trips around Nagoya! The previous days were epic as always, but this is the day I mostly got around to try out some of Nagoya’s best dishes and also see some of the sites.

I won’t be delaying this post any further! As always, check the captions below each photo for their stories!!!!



After doing my usual things in the morning, I tried locating my friend Hannah, who was departing for Korea that evening and was doing her shopping, at one of the shops with a penguin on it. Pretty much noted it was Donki when I got to the location. It was in front of this, Sunshine Sakae!


After she finished her shopping (and me purchasing this 91 yen lip balm from Mentholatum) at Donki, we got to the station to our next destination. Here in this picture is an example of a ticket machine for the train. You can get you own MANACA here or the Day Passes.


Since it was a Monday, I got myself one of the Subway 1 Day Ticket, which would allow me to go train-tripping around Nagoya for the entire day without having to worry about the price. As you can see, it is 740 yen.


Our destination for that morning was check out Osu Kannon, one of the major shrines in Nagoya, and pretty much its attached shopping center. We got down from Kamimaezu Station and first saw this temple. I’m uncertain what the name of this shrine is but it was nice to see.


This one is one of the shrines in the main Osu Shopping District, the Bansho-ji. It actually doesn’t look like a shrine until you go in it. It’s too modernized!


To give more light to the place, they placed these cool lanterns.


After checking out the Bansho-ji and losing 600 yen at the arcade, we ended up trying this place. It’s called Karaage Maruyoshi and they sell various versions of Karaage!


Here’s what we got. From the looks of it, boneless tebasaki! Hahaha!



As we walked, we got to see some of the good restaurants around Osu Shopping District (which reminded me of Asakusa’s Nakamise and Shin-Nakamise Shopping Districts). This specific photo reminds me of my friends back in the Philippines, they would surely love this place.

From the looks of it, they sell Western and Eastern beer and other party time beverages. Weird it’s open around noon. Hahaha!


Also saw this cool artwork!


We then passed by this very interesting Taiyaki place beside Gindaco. The place does serve the authentic Taiyaki, but they also offer another type of Taiyaki which is a croissant Taiyaki. Hannah got one for us to share since the Taiyaki was quite big for 250 yen (she picked chocolate) and wow, it was delicious! Not too strong in flavor but definitely a nice lunch if you missed it due to your travels. They offer various flavors too, including a sakura mochi one! But that last bit is seasonal :))

If you happen to pass by, make sure to drop by coz they got quite a lot of crazy flavors to choose from! Best eaten when you are there!


Taiyaki… Taiyaki… always eat them while they are hot. You can bring some home, but you do need to eat it within the day and heat it on an oven for a better taste.



Here are some other pictures of food items we saw in Osu.


Here is Osu Kannon or the Hosho-in. Does remind me horribly of Senso-ji, from the colors and the toriis. According to my research, both Osu Kannon and Senso-ji are Buddhist Shrines, with Osu Kannon in the Shingon sect. Apparently this is not the original location of the temple. It was originally located in Hashima, Gifu before it was moved to the current location because the old location kept flooding.

And there is a library here. I didn’t go to that place… missed the chance to see the oldest version of the Kojiki. Dang.


After Osu, we found this other shrine. I dunno the exact name, but its a shrine! It has a small Inari shrine beside it.


Upon seeing this, I need to schedule a trip to Fushimi Inari in Kyoto… next travel goal!


Before leaving Osu, we passed by this small popcorn store selling various types of popcorn. One even tasted like fruits! And also, we saw this nice Lexus. If it was the LFA, I would have spammed my phone with pics of it. This one looks nice. Red is always a good color.


Since Hannah was on a schedule… of sorts, we opted to return to Nagoya Station where we left her stuff in the locker and went to get lunch (Even if we ate during the Osu escapade).

We took a while before we got to this restaurant for lunch, Misokatsu Yabaton Honten, the restaurant to go to if you want to taste Nagoya’s version of Katsudon. The restaurant was located in the higher floors of Meitetsu Department Store in Nagoya Station and from the subway, the walk to the department store was a bit far since it was outside the connecting buildings within Nagoya Station.


This is the famous Misokatsu of Nagoya! Review wise? IT IS DELICIOUS! It was sweet, but not that overpowering. The cuts are also very generous and definitely filling.


Before we parted, Hannah and I went on a goose chase to locate her ogura toast pillow which she randomly saw the previous day. We ended up circling Nagoya Station before we found it and eventually saw this display of Tesla’s Model X. Car wise, I’m impartial to the whole electric car business. It’s good yes, but right now, it’s impractical since the infrastructure for recharging these cars are still very rare. It looks good though.


After a few minutes of rest in the hotel after saying goodbye to Hannah, I went out again to see my high school schoolmate and kouhai Elijah. She lives in Nagoya now, working and studying at the same time. Our meeting place was here at Nagoya TV Tower since I wasn’t able to go that morning since Hannah cancelled it due to her schedule. So Elijah came with me to see the view!

Entrance fee to Nagoya TV Tower is 700 yen!


This is the neighborhood I am staying, Nishiki! You can see my hotel here!!!


This is the view of Hisaya-odori Park from the Tower


Here’s another view. Try spotting Nagoya Dome from here!!!


Here’s the English guide of what the view was. I did get to see them in clear view that day even if it was super cold!


Thunder Tower, as some people call Nagoya TV Tower, is well-known as a nice venue for civil weddings. Here are the plaques of all those who got married in Nagoya TV Tower since it was allowed. Some of the logos were a bit weird, one looking like a tombstone, but i guess it was a theme.


Sunshine Sakae at night. I took this picture while waiting for my mum to make a decision about the shirt I got her from Donki and while my crazy and bubbly kouhai tried to get advise on where we should eat.


Eventually, we just opted for the yakiniku place on top of Donki since it was there and we rather not walk after our time in Donki.

Here’s the pic of our first set of meats! That night, I got to try a lot of things I never usually eat like sashimi, pork inners (I forgot what it was called), squid and slightly cooked salmon. I do like one of their beefs. The marinate is so good.


Here’s the extra menu of the Yakiniku place we ate at. 250 yen per plate… interesting, but i was happy with my meats thank you


Before going to my street and parting with Elijah (whom I will see again soon), here’s a nice picture of the Thunder Tower at night!


Here’s my hotel! Someone needs to get tea after that Yakiniku special.


More interesting pictures and stories for you guys in the next update!!!!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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