
Well, here’s Day 2 of the Nagoya Experience travel post of yours truly. I have to admit that this one is slightly shorter than the next entry that follows this… primarily because that next entry is about the usual topic on this blog in recent weeks. Hahaha!

Anyway! To business because its short and pretty much filled with information! Hahaha!



Well after a good rest from the previous day’s flight (and me actually being sleepless when I left my home due to some last minute deadlines), I wasn’t able to have my breakfast on the hotel’s buffet breakfast. So, I walked my way to the nearest convenience store in the area. If you are on a tight budget, convenience stores or konbinis are your hope. They not only have the usual things you need to survive Japan, they also have bento meals you can get for your meals. They are pretty cheap too! Interestingly, I opted to check out 7-11 even if there was a nearby Daily Yamazaki and Familymart in my hotel. I did need to walk to get my drowsiness out of my system… and not to mention get used to the cold.

Top tip: If you are buying treats like chocolates, don’t get them in konbinis. They are expensive. Go to the nearest Donki or supermarket if you know how to speak and read in Japanese. If you need to withdraw, konbinis have ATM machines with international options!


As it is currently spring in Japan, you get to see pretty flowers on the sidewalk and in the center aile in roads. I remember my mum when I see these flowers on the road.


After a quick breakfast and literally a quick bath, I walked to the b nagoya where my Korean friend Hannah was staying. Amusingly enough, most of the attractions in Nagoya can actually be reached by foot and in my case, I could just literally walk to this place – Sunshine Sakae – and the nearby Donki (which was amusingly in front of it as it turns out) and back to my hotel in record time. I didn’t get to roam around Sunshine Sakae throughout my stay, but I did go to Donki after a few days. Apparently, its mostly restaurants in Sunshine Sakae.


Shopping? No fret! In Nagoya, you got loads of shopping centers to choose from and this one is Mitsukoshi! I also didn’t go around this place, primarily because its big, I was on a schedule, and I’m not really familiar with what’s in it.


I also passed by this place. Actually this is one of Nagoya’s top cafes if you want authentic Japanese sweets. I forgot the name of this place, though you can google it.


After meeting up with Hannah and bringing her with me for the ride, we walked our way to the subway to head on to Nagoya Dome! But of course, as you can see here, I bought myself one of Nagoya’s One Day ticket passes, the Donichi Eco Kippu. This ticket allows you to travel to any of the Nagoya subway lines and its buses for one day. This ticket is only available on weekends so you do have to get another one to cover your Sunday trip. The ticket is 600 yen and can be bought in any ticketing machine in the subway. Or, if you have time, you can also get the fancier version of this ticket in Oasis 21i Information Center, Nagoya Information Center or in select Nagoya hotels.


Day 2 Part 2 comes next… and yes, it is the other post you have been waiting for ONE OK ROCK fans. Hahaha! It is one oddly gloomy day.

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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