
Well, I think its about time I post this one. Finally gotten myself a copy of this newest PULP Magazine issue after preordering it with PULP Shop (which is now being rolled out on stores as of press time) and it is a special one again coz it has history written all over it such as PULP Summer Slam 18, Neck Deep’s The Peace and the Panic Tour and many others.

Of course, for ONE OK ROCK fans, this is a much awaited release because it has #OORAmbitionsTourMNL written on it! What is PCD right? Hahaha! And yes, this is a special issue again for me because I was chosen to do this special post-con piece for all ONE OK ROCK fans out there, especially everyone who was at the #OORAmbitionsTourMNL live.

It’s not like my first one, but, its unlike the other one in so many good ways. Just like the live. You thought your expectations will be correct but they weren’t!

Check out some teasers from the magazine… and the stories behind them!

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These are the covers for Issue 195 of PULP Magazine, featuring Manila’s very own metal group Typecast, who performed at the recently concluded PULP Summer Slam 2018, and Neck Deep, who were in Manila just this March for their The Peace and the Panic Tour.


And see how PULP Mag marked this special update for all you ONE OK ROCK fans! A mini icon of Taka’s skull (complete with hair) as seen in the official T-shirt for the Manila concert.


Table of contents features this familiar photo of the boys.


This issue’s PULP IT features the photos of all the acts covered by PULP Live World since their first show for the year and the announcements of the company’s next lives.

The chap on the lower right side holding up Issue 194 in this page is none other than the big boss (and every ONE OK ROCK PH fan’s godfather), PULP Live World President Vernon Go.


And yes! You can still get some of the #OORAmbitionsTourMNL merch! Just contact PULP Live World’s Shop for more info!


Let’s now jump into this!

Just look at this cover page! Simply amazing! And a little fun tidbit, this shot was taken by one of my kouhais and I daresay one of my fans Eu (she’s credited in the lower right side of the picture)!

We first got to know each other from the 2016 live but unfortunately, wasn’t able to actually meet up during that live because if memory serves me, she was late that time. We did meet in this year’s live and she’s a bubbly one. Always happy to take selfies and the whatnots.

She originally sent me the photo, alongside many others for my blog entry for the live, from her phone. However, instead of using it for my blog, I sent it to PULP Magazine.

A few weeks since I sent it, Lo and behold, this epic photo was chosen from the lot for the special coverage! She had no idea I sent it so yes, its a surprise!

She did freaked out when I posted the cover in IG. Your welcome Eu!!


The beginning of the article!

Fun fact: The article for this special is actually 750 words only. It should have been 600 words if memory serves me but considering what actually happened (As seen in this entry)… I was glad I was granted some extra words to at least wrap it all up. Hahahaha. So much drama in one day, crazy!

And it was partnered by this picture from Julen. You my friend are a master! I will seriously get this framed and placed somewhere.


Of course, PULP will never be our ever loving PULP if they didn’t add this part! A quick Q&A with our favorite foursome! Mostly Taka answering though with Toru simply adding his piece in the end. Oh Toru.


I know most of you are looking for this pic so SURPRISE from PULP Live World! I’m actually there… sort of. Do you think you can spot yourself here?


This special part is actually quite familiar to some fans.

A few weeks ago, I ran a short Ad in the local fanbase – Philippines’ ONE OK ROCKers – for testimonials from fans of their #OORAmbitionsTourMNL experience and also some of their photos. I told them I’d be using it for my videos since I did a series of videos with my kouhai Faith and around the time of the Ad, it was nearing the 3rd monthsary of the live so it was timed. The turnout was quite a lot but I did note I will only use those who sent theirs ASAP.

Of course, the fans fortunately forgot about it since they never asked me about it … until now that is :)) That ad was actually intended for this special magazine feature.

So to you guys… SURPRISE!!!!


To wrap things up for the #OORAmbitionsTourMNL coverage… This cool page featuring our foursome in skull form.


Back to back with the 2016 Cover… I will definitely be framing this when I get some space cleaned up.


Mei… is that it?!? and more importantly… WHY DID YOU BLUR SOME OF IT OUT!?!?

Of course not and yes I did!!! This is after all… a teaser. If you wanna see more of it, lol, you guys know the drill!

Anyway, I like to thank the guys of PULP Magazine for trusting me with this feature again. It was challenging to make my long blog for the concert condensed in just a few words but I have done it! As they always say, you would do anything for the love and I have done it for the love.

I pray this won’t be the last time I’d be making a nice report about these guys while in our home turf in print but given how Manila shined on D-Day, we may see a part 3. I am optimistic (and hopeful). And once it does, I do hope its going to be another one for the books! A nice target to reach for Part 3 is the band on the front cover again… and they are the main feature…

Hmmm… PULP Magazine… its a goal for the next live indeed.

Of course, thanks once again to PULP Live World for bringing the foursome back to Manila. Iponing for Part 3 is on-going so we are counting on you guys to bring our favorite Japanese foursome back to Manila!

If you want a copy of this historic issue, which also features some of the best music the Philippines and the rest of the world offers, you can e-mail shop@pulpliveworld.com for it! They accept bank transfer and Paypal (subjected to extra fees and conversion). If you are from another part of the world, email them for more info since I am uncertain if they do have international orders. Aside from emailing, you can also grab a copy at your favorite bookstore in the Philippines for just 250 pesos. This issue is available until June 30th so… get your copy today!!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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