
Well, it is time for the revival of this place and I know I have been neglecting it for work and other offline stiff I seem to be finding myself into. It is a fun way to go relax after a busy busy schedule.

But seems life has other plans for me XD

Anyway! For my newest post, which will be a short travel series of sorts, we will be looking at my very latest foray to Japan. Prior to this, I had no clue I will be doing a second round later in the year (reasons will be explained somewhere in the next coming posts).

This latest trip, with the hashtag #jetsettintokyo, is a short trip with me acting as a tour guide for my older sister, her husband, and their two kids in Tokyo before they make their way home with me to the Philippines. They often have a connecting flight from Tokyo to the Philippines and since it was the first time I was seeing my godchild and nephew, we decided to go along with a short trip.

Photos below pretty much detail what happened so have fun checking them out!

Took another early flight out of Manila via Cebu Pacific Air. I picked this airline versus Jetstar because one, it arrives 2 hours earlier than my sister’s flight. Two, its cheaper than Jetstar considering the date. And three, well, I did not really want an early morning in flight.

Interestingly, Cebu Pacific is about to have a Tokyo flight from Clark, which is nearer to my place. Sadly, it is still unavailable on my travel date. I will take the flight when I go back for my other trips.

I was also almost late on boarding because I arrived at NAIA 3 around 4, had been in line almost in all aspects of the check-in process and had to look for a souvenir for a friend of mine. Did find one though!

Bye Bye Manila!

First view of Japan



This is a pic after landing and while on the way to the immigration area which was a mile away from the dock our plane parked on. At this time, Narita International Airport is being renovated before next year’s Olympics. They are even constructing a new terminal from the looks of things.


When I got out of immigrations and customs (got asked to open my luggage for a random check) after an hour, had to check where my sister and her entourage are. They are taking an American Airlines flight… which lands in about an hour or two from the time I took this pic. I ended up having lunch in McDonalds while waiting.


Once I saw my sister and her family, we immediately dashed to the Keisei Skyliner terminal to head to our home for our trip in Nippori. You can purchase tickets early through the Keisei Skyliner website or through apps like Klook. You can also purchase on the station itself using the ticket machine. It does have an English option.


This is the front lot of our hotel, APA TKP-Nippori Ekimae. We decided to pick this business hotel because it was very cheap than our original location in Ueno. It was a good call in our end because we just happened to catch their monthly food cart display. This one is a Yakitori food cart and maaaaan! If only they offered this for a week, I’d be having Yakitori all the way till the end of our visit.

If anyone knows where I can get this yakitori in Tokyo or anywhere in Japan, lemme know! Their marinate is delicious!




Last pic for the post. A view of quiet Arakawa from our hotel room. The hotel room we got is quite big and I was impressed by it. I unfortunately forgot to take a photo of it before we sorted the place. We also didn’t go around after we got to our hotel because all of us were zombies already (Save my adorable nephew coz he got his sleep time!)

Next post coming shortly so stick around to find out more!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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