
Welcome back to my dear blog. There’s a lot of things new in this blog and let’s get to it!

First, you may have noticed that the URL is no longer (http://akizora.org) and I am now using a new one. Well, I had found myself having problems when I renewed my domain and for some reason, Misaki’s system was all over the place. I am still trying to get things sorted out but right now, I can’t find Misaki at all to sort things out. I paid for the domain twice so I am 100% annoyed I can’t use my domain for almost 8 years. After much deliberation on my part (and well, its time for a change), I decided to get a new domain name and went for the classic .com you see now. I did ask some opinions about it and most supported this URL so hello new URL!

I am also happy to say that this place is SSL-active so everything is all safe when you check around

I also moved the website out of Three-Words Hosting until I figure out how I can reclaim my old domain back. Once I do get it back, I will be using akizora.org as my portfolio page since I have been asked countless of times to make one for work. Moving out was also a hard decision on my end but after the domain renewal debacle, it is better to be safe than sorry. I like to thank Namecheap for managing to clone my entire blog out of my account in Three-Words as well. Thanks to their quick effort, the blog is fully active without any missing content at all.

I will still be updating some of the sites to remove any broken links that may redirect you to the old URL.

Aside from these major changes, I also have several updates to finally post here. I have the late magazine sneak peek, the final installment of my last Japan trip and so on. I was unable to post those due to the blog issue so I will be able to do so now. I will be doing those updates this coming week since I do have to check out the blog to see if everything is in tip-top-shape. I will also be sharing some great announcements which I want to share with you guys but that can wait till I get things in order.

Everything else? Well, just check out this page to find out!

Please update all your bookmarks and look for their new links here! Can’t wait to share more news with you guys soon!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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