Konnichasssuuu minna!

Well, this one is a bit delayed. I was supposed to post this last week but life happens. Ah December turned out to be one of the busiest times of my life but again, I do like it when there’s some weirdness coming. There’s quite a lot more to be honest. Hahaha! Good luck Mei!

Anyway, this entry covers my first day in my last hurrah for 2019, a short trip to my favorite country of them all, Japan. My travel plans will be on hold until June 2020 so it will be a while before I say hi again to my passport. That trip will be the one I have unfortunately rescheduled… a very looong trip.

Lets get started shall we? As always, check the descriptions below to find out what happened behind the photos. I was supposed to do a vlog but I ended up freezing coz I have not experienced below 10C since Hong Kong almost 10 years ago (yeah I have to go back sometime, but not now).



So the trip I got out of the Philippines flies out of Clark International Airport. It’s my first time using the airport so I had no idea what to expect. It took me just 30 minutes to pretty much sort out my ticket, baggage and immigration. The only sad thing was I had to pay a separate terminal fee (Which was not included in the ticket unlike in NAIA) and they still don’t have escalators to the waiting area. Admittedly Clark is a small airport right now and the new terminal has yet to be finished. When it is finished, its going to be busier but right now, its pretty small and empty.


Only a few flights are in Clark and they are not everyday except the domestic flights. This specific Cebu Pacific trip I am taking is actually one of their scheduled flights to Tokyo. I would have gotten the one from Jetstar but when Cebu Pacific had their sale and I had plans to meet up with a friend in Tokyo. So, there we go.


Yours truly right here. In need of a haircut and wearing a coat coz apparently, it was going to be cold… which was true O_O


Arrived in Narita super early than expected and saw this again. Hahaha, I saw this same sign when I was in Narita in July.


It is going to rain in Narita… more coldness! When I got down from the plane, it was already cold so thank you Zalora for the 11.11 sale!


That’s the plane I got to ride. It’s not in the other end of the airport thank God.



After a short bus ride, I got into my hotel which is Narita View Hotel. I was originally going to stay in Nippori but considering the early flight, I wouldn’t make it. The hotel is pretty good but the rooms are a bit dated. Each airport hotel is separated by the highway, but my hotel has its own convenience store so I didn’t have to worry about dinner.


Hello cold Tokyo. Sheesh. I do not see this type of weather in Manila at all!


After a long train ride from Narita to Akihabara, I finally made it. I did not use any internet since I deigned to get one. That was a fatal error in my end as I find out on the latter posts. It was verrrry cold when I got to Akihabara but I got to see my friend.

I will be posting something included in this post separately since it is a short guide :)


After we did some stuff (will be explained in that separate entry), I got treated into this unique gyukatsu place. It’s my first time to try it out!


The Katsu you get is very tender and you have to cook it in this small grill.


The name of the restaurant. Apparently it just opened so not much knows of it yet. But i do recommend it because it was soo good!


Did get to see the Skytree on my way back to the hotel.



Train connections to Narita are soooo confusing!


Finally in Chiba area. Hahaha, its like me back in Nagisaen!


At this time, I was so cold my lips were so dry. I forgot to bring my mask so I had to rectify that the next day.


Train to Narita


When I got to Narita main station, it was drizzling and I decided to get a bite from McDo (Which was across the street). Fries for life!


Narita Station


It is in Narita Station where you can catch the free buses to your Airport hotel of choice. Check with your chosen Airport hotel about their schedule because they only run certain times.


Me in the bus! I almost thought I will be the only one on the bus.


Finally back in the hotel and this is my OOTD. I was wearing boots on this!


Me so exhausted from the trip but I look good!


My favorite chips when I am in Japan! Calbee!!

Day 2 will be the wild one but it will be divided into two parts. I know you guys already know why so…

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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