
Welcome back to the blog and since I already uploaded Day 1 for the live, might as well post Day 2 yeah?

This one will be pretty short because I pretty much did my intense review in the previous post. But, there are some amusing tidbits I like to share here so enjoy readin’

As always, did post some photos and read below what happened.


After a slightly tiring day yesterday, I pretty much woke up to a cold Osaka mornin and prepared myself for day 2. I was supposed to go around but I had so much fun sleeping since I had an early day the previous day.

This picture was taken while me and my friend Hannah walked around the neighborhood to Osaka-jo. Fall season, first timer right here!


This is Hannah. After the Dome Tour post which I showed her full face, she would try not facing me when I have my phone up. Hahaha! She learnt… sort of.


View from the Metro station. So wide!


These festival stalls are near Osaka-jo Hall. Hannah got dorayaki which we shared. I even saw the castella balls my niece liked from her first visit in Japan.


Hallo merch! No lines! They have quite a diverse range this time. I need to get those gloves before it gets sold out.


The actual entrance of Osaka-jo Hall.


They really have some killer merch for the tour. Someone should tell me what font they used! I seriously want to use it!


Even the receipt has this font! Someone tell me what font this is!


Mei with the merch. Of course I got to have one

Here’s a short clip I recorded while we were in the lines. Soooo cold! I was supposed to vlog but man, I am not someone who likes the cold!


Of course, the Japanese fans love to show their love for the band through their banners. We seriously have to step up Manila! These banners are amazing!


Hannah was the first one who saw this. She was wondering if this was Taka and from a far distance you may mistaken its him. When I saw him, haha, I remember him from Nagisaen days! Loads of people came to get a pic with him and he has the look. Talk about dedication!


It would be a dream come true if this was actually Taka and this is what he does in meet and greets. Hahaha!


This is me trying to get Hannah’s picture. We decided to pass the time talking in the park where everyone was in while we wait to get in. It was honestly quite chilly but getting used to it. It reminds me of the time I was in Hong Kong a decade ago (I definitely need to go back and visit when the tensions are all over)


View in front of us. I was supposed to check in one of them until I decided to go for a cheaper alternative


Darkness fell and heya Osaka Castle!


Bit clearer here. We were about to go in and my boots are just killing me. I need to just wear this on a casual day.


Some Concert Highlights? Well long story short, it was over the top as always, it is the last time they will perform in Osaka for the current Japan tour. No faults on the songs.

Although, the MC was pretty amusing to say the least.

They got pretty much a variety. One was a mother who came in with her family. Taka had asked her about her favorite song. Forgot what it was exactly but Taka had apologized because they no longer have that song in their list. Awww, its ok!

The two boys that were interviewed were almost thought by Taka as siblings coz they were together. Both kids were in the barricades and he was so interested with them. When he asked, the kids were not related at all so he introduced each other so they can be friends.

When he asked the kids about their favorite song, one of the kids said “The Deeper”. Everyone was bewildered and Taka had to clarify if he meant “The Beginning” or “Deeper Deeper” because it did sound like he combined the two together. The kid did clear it up and the other kid responded that his favorite was “Taking Off”. The guys did give the kids some gifts and off with the show!

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Here’s the MC pic!

I also remember loads of slamming on this day. Crazy as always! Man I cannot wait for this to happen in the home court!



Here’s me and Hannah on our way home. Lol


Me back in my hotel room. Decided to go out even after dinner and resting for the live to go do some final purchases in Donki which was a few blocks away. I seriously dig this getup. My coat is from Zalora, which I got on a discount :)


Ahhh! My favorite apple juice. I seriously wonder why they aren’t selling the large sizes anymore


On my way back to the hotel from Donki. It was a pretty cold and quiet night. Although I was too busy humming as I walked due to LSS. When I got back, pack up for the journey back to the motherland the following day.

Chaos will be the final post for this update. I will be segwaying that last post with some revivals for the Eye of the Storm Asia Tour so watch out for that!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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