Konnichassu everyone!

Decided to update a short one today because I am distracted from my usual grind. For the past 7 days, Luzon – where the capital Manila is located – is on lockdown because of the COVID19 virus. The lockdown is a health measure to prevent the virus from spreading and as of this writing, Europe and the United States are scrambling to contain it too. In my case, the lockdown is doubled because my area here in the province had two recorded positive cases and some being monitored. Every day, the local government is implementing new rules to ensure everyone follows the lockdown and while it is confusing to follow at times, my family is staying put and only have our groceries done by our neighbors (Who are ironically our relatives) or one of my mum’s regular runners for her poultry business.

For me, the quarantine/lockdown didn’t really change much of my regular routine since my work is always online. It is actually picking up now since everyone is stuck at home (Which is not bad coz that means I have more funding to fulfill something I promised myself after this ordeal). I don’t go out that often and if I did, it is just to buy my grocery or ship myself to Manila or overseas. With that said, I’m also experiencing some mild cabin fever coz I just can’t go out if my newly developing cooking bug can’t get supplies here at home.

You can’t help but sense that feeling that this thing we are facing is real, especially as my parents – who are both in their 60s – are at risk to it. One night, my mum asked me if there will be changes soon with the lockdown because both she and my dad are always out for work on a regular day and they are starting to feel cabin fever. They also follow the news in the US since my sister and her family are there, plus our relatives with my grandma – who just got out of the hospital due to a stroke. I did tell her it would change if something happens in the case rates but that won’t be possible till next week since the cases are drastically increasing every day and testing is still imperfect. My dad is silent about it but we are monitoring him too coz the slightest sickness does put my dad stuck on his bed. Mum had jokingly said to me today my dad is treating this whole lockdown as a vacation coz he is always looking for food.

I’m also at risk to it because I still get my usual allergy rhinitis attacks and it does affect my immune system. I did pick up on my old vitamin medication which my doctor recommended to me from way back after I finished my allergy shots (that was one part of my childhood I can’t easily forget) and was fortunate to get a stock of it since everything is running out in the drugstores near here. The medicine has Vitamin C which my brother – who is a doctor – wants all of us to take to strengthen up our immune system. It also has Zinc. I also got some orange juice on stock for Vitamin B and C (yes, it has Vitamin B for some odd reason, its the Minute Maid ones) but the runner who got them for us bought a big bulk even though I only said 1 or 2 bottles will do.

While doing work, getting distracted with a game (Finally finished God of War which took me like 4 days. I’m just doing the mini goals to increase my PS4 trophies) and rerunning Youtube shows, I’m also thinking what I’ll be doing after this quarantine and for the remaining days of it. I have some lined up here for the blog (might as well do the long-delayed posts here hahaha… which are a few!) and also waiting for the release of Final Fantasy VII Remake. I am getting the digital version because the physical one won’t be in my hands until this quarantine is over (its out April 10, the lockdown ends on the 14th… tentatively). After quarantine? Well, aside from that one thing I am planning, I’m getting a haircut, revising my emergency pack (Which I always do have at home) and do something completely crazy which I still have no idea what it is.

Hope everyone is doing ok in this trying time and make sure to follow the rules. Stay safe and I’ll update again when I get started on those late updates. LOL

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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