
Ahh, it has been quite a long while since I had time to update this blog. I am so ashamed coz I wanted to update often with the incoming ONE OK ROCK tour but life has been in bitter lemons lately with the outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus (nCOV-19). The said virus has been causing chaos worldwide and it seems the end is not yet at sight considering that it is a new virus and no vaccine is still available to prevent it from further spreading.

As I am writing this (I actually wrote the draft a few days ago but just continued now), President Duterte announced that Metro Manila will be placed under lockdown for a month starting Sunday. Considering this announcement, everyone is panicking and has been panicking for the past few days since Alert Red has been announced. While the fear is there, I think it is important for everyone to think rationally at this time and not panic because panic will only put down our guards against this crazy virus. Plan your schedules accordingly, don’t travel if you don’t have to, wash your hands regularly and pray. We need to be patient because this one is not going be easy.

With the virus still causing havoc, I am uncertain if I will be proceeding with my trips out of the country which are all planned this year. It will be a risky venture to proceed to it because I have a weak immune system and I tend to get sick even in the slightest weather change. While I can risk and go, you can never tell with the virus. Most of my trips are set at the end of the year so I have time to think about it. I did joke to a friend or two that if I didn’t fly out this year, I may end up using the funds of my travels in getting a Dyson fan. LOL. Adulting goals but health first than travel. I still have one city trip on schedule on May… which is sooo close, but right now its all a waiting game.

While trying to juggle up work (it is going well), been playing mostly Arknights, this new game for the Southeast and it is crazy. Lol, it uses quite a lot of logic since every character has some stats that you have to blend with. I have been using Exusiai, a powerful archer, which I finally got on one of the draws but the others, geh. I need more luck in this game. (If you want to add me, comment below! LOL). Aside from this game, I was also busy with family life since we just had my relatives from the US over for 10 days. It was one crazy week with my relatives. I will be updating about that soon after my work is done for the weekend.

I will also be posting the final part of the Osaka trip and some other posts related to the ONE OK ROCK show (you better not be cancelled!) soon. No date because I will be sorting out some duties first and also making a bash out of this God of War before my brother returns it.

Praying for everyone’s safety and repeat this endlessly “We Can Do This!” Take care everyone!!!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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