Konnichassu everyone!

It has been a while since I have done my last blog but I suppose that’s enough for me to do a new post for today! Lol!

Since my last blog, things have remained pretty tame really. My area in this side of the Philippines is currently under the Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine (MECQ), which means that you still can’t go out, no public transpo available and only a few industries are open for work. This lockdown was supposed to have been slightly lifted prior to the 15th of this month but with the slow mass testing in the country and the rising figures, best not risk it. Sadly, the increasing numbers is pretty much a given if people don’t follow current guidelines. With what the news is showing, there needs to be a change in the rules.

Since there is still a lockdown here, I mostly busied myself with my usual work. I am getting some great gigs at the side which I can’t wait to share when they are sorted out. I am grateful I still have my usual gig to fund my bills (I am on time yay!). By next year, I will hopefully be able to do the stuff I missed doing this year because of this crazy virus and then some! The virus has also affected my work but you gotta go with the flow. I will allot a separate blog entry for one of my projects soon.

As far as my personal life is? Well, I am getting used to this lockdown but it can be hard to ask people to buy stuff for you coz of the whole “its a female thing”. I can’t wait to be able to go to the mall and do one big purchasing rush coz even Lazada (Which my mum is now supporting coz she got her stuff there too) and Shopee run out of things. I also can’t even go ask them to buy me pasta. I could have asked my brother but he doesn’t stay here for long… sigh!

I have also finished Final Fantasy VII Remake, a game I find myself waiting for part 2 coz of the twisting conclusion it has. It’s open for debate how part 2 will go but man! I do love Sassy Aerith! I have started with the Hard level for it but had to stop because I do have a crazy roommate (my younger brother) who hates noise when he is sleeping. Annoyingly, he sleeps at crazy hours which my parents are also pretty resigned to. Can’t wait to kick him out once the new bedroom my parents are building is finished. That had to stop because of the lockdown.

Aside from the game, I have also written a few stuff here and there offline for my plans. Curses with 2020 being this odd. I also am following up with the ONE OK ROCK latest because the live is postponed. As of the time of this writing, Ticketnet has confirmed it is postponed to the latter half of 2020. I have a feeling it would be somewhere around November or December but I may be wrong on this. Hopefully we have some control with the virus and not trigger more complications. It will be the highlight of this year for me, aside from my big 30th birthday. Haha, yes, I am turning 30 this year and its surreal that it is so. I won’t be celebrating grandly this year with the virus and such but I have plans on how it will go. I don’t think my family will complain.

Anyway! To end this blog, you may be seeing it is a new layout. I am trying it out right now because I am still getting used to it. I still have to revise a few things on it like the header, the display pic, pages and all that. It is not fully ready yet so I won’t give much details about it. If you have any comments about it, please comment below and I’ll check it out! A full update about the layout will happen once everything is ready!

That’s it for now!!! I will update you again soon! Stay safe everyone <:3

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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