
Well, this post was written early but since I usually find myself in odd situations that leaves this blog poorly neglected, it has been edited several times prior to its publishing on this very special day.

The thoughts can get confusing but bear with me :)


Today starts a new chapter in my life.

I’m finally in my 30s and amusingly enough, I don’t feel it.

Maybe its because 2020 passed by like a quick breeze. No one doing anything or even going out because the uncertainty is still there. Even someone like me found 2020 a bit weird even if I don’t normally go out. Will we be like this for the next coming years?

Whatever the answer is, I still can’t help but be thankful because I am here, welcoming another decade, and with the people I love.

Looking back, the past decade has been a rollercoaster for me as many great things happened in my life that I never thought possible. Family wise, we’re a lot larger than we were 10 years ago as we welcomed several little ones in the family. Some I have met and some I haven’t because I’m in the Philippines and they are in the US. Everyone is still in good health, even my loving grandma who is a testament to looking young even if she’s in her 90s.

Hopefully I will be able to see my loved ones in the US when all this issue about the coronavirus is gone and there is a cure already (please let there be a miracle).

Social life wise, it has oddly grown too, especially after that very special event 4 years ago that still makes me smile and allows me to be with the people whom I now see as very great friends. Whenever that thing that bound us all together makes a repeat, we definitely will be on the case. I also met other friends outside the country and I am very happy to say I am very thankful I met them in person.

Work wise, well, nothing much has changed through the decade since I am still in the business. I have switched positions throughout these years and it is still my main source for funds. I have lamented of changing my careers ever so often in the past few years, but with the 10 years on my name as a writer, well, it is confusingly hard to let go. Right now, it seems work will still remain the same and my Mac is already calling for a replacement.

When it comes to me as a person?

Well, I don’t think I changed that much from a decade ago if you asked me. I’m still the same me who doesn’t really like to go out but can pretty much make a bang when I want to (has happened several times in the past 10 years). I still love to daydream when I listen to music, read new stuff and it has led me to doing my current project on the side (ahem #projectapollo).

I’m also the same person who hates being called by people but ends up doing it anyway… sigh for family isn’t it? I’m also everyone’s sounding board here at home (hello Libra people).

If there was a change, I can attribute it to the many firsts that I have done in the past decade. One of them is my first solo trip out of the country and it has been in one of my most beloved countries on earth. It allowed me to show my family that hey, I can do this and I kept repeating it over and over.

I did do a fail in my last trip which I still haven’t posted here but it does give me an amusing thing to improve on next time. I was supposed to go to another country this year, but alas, that has definitely been on the backburner coz of COVID but I will make it a point next year.

Still happily single too. While I’m neutral to the whole “You should be this when you are XX years old” debate, I am hopeful something does change in this regard for this coming decade. I am not looking but it would be nice don’t you think?

I am not so sure what to wish for myself for this coming decade other than the wishes I have always wished for since I turned 20. But, if my 40-year old self sees this post in the future, I do hope that you manage to make SOME big changes in our life. I – your 30 year old self- would be disappointed if you didn’t!

Cheers to a new year and era, bring it on!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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