

It has been quite a while since I blogged in my official website and I do apologize for it. 2020 is now the year-which-must-not-repeat and it has ended on an odd note for me. I know everyone is wishing we could just forget 2020 with all the challenges it threw on us, from natural calamities to COVID. But, the year just didn’t know when to stop and would keep throwing random things that will make us all miserable and wish it leaves ASAP.

Right now, we have the new strain of COVID affecting many countries and apparently its more contagious than the current strain. With that said, everyone is staying at home and not going around. Even the New Year’s celebrations are muted! But, I suppose we are slowly getting used to staying at home now and we rather not get sick coz it is very expensive to get sick.

2020 for me was a year of broken plans and an otherwise mostly silent year. I was supposed to travel several times this year, but that had to be cancelled because of COVID-19. With the uncertainty of the virus and the vaccine roll-out, these travel plans won’t be happening until late 2021 or 2022 even. I was also due to watch ONE OK ROCK live in Manila this year, but with COVID, that’s moved tentatively until everything is ok. Japan has been very strict with their rules to prevent further spread and it will definitely be a while before they are back to normal.

Aside from that, well my family got affected by the latest Typhoon Ulysses or VAMCO as everyone knows it overseas. It pretty much affected our lives here in my side of the rice fields for 2 months. In fact, our internet is still not fixed and they are taking their sweet time to get here to fix our net. I will definitely be asking them when they come to sort things out because I was already scheduled if not for the holiday.


Then I celebrated the new year with only my mum and my little brother because my dad got into a minor accident that got his leg on a cast. My brother is also sick with the flu coz of the weather changes here. Ah odd way to celebrate the new year indeed.

What new things did happen to me on 2020? Well, I can’t really say if its new but I decided to pursue my pet project which is #projectapollo. I had to delay some releases due to the typhoon and I am currently working on it as we speak. It is kinda fun writing it because its a story that would have been so cool if it happened in real life.

I also am starting to sort out my mini office in my room which I have been hoping to replace for years now. Still in need to change a couple of things with Lazada now becoming a buddy since I do most of my online shopping through the platform. Next on my list is a new office chair coz the one I am using now doesn’t have wheels and it feels like there’s an earthquake each time I move and its insane.

I also got into a very odd set of new favs to do which is affecting my productivity slightly, but setting my imagination to a whole new level. I have been getting into Korean Manhwa and I have several favorites already that I am really waiting for each time it updates. My previous post should have given you a slight idea on which one it is. Lol

I’m also playing Genshin Impact and since it was launched in end-2020, maaaan! I can’t put my phone down. Met some gamer friends there and it is a very unique game that somehow reminds me of Final Fantasy and Zelda. I accidentally have two accounts because I didn’t know you can’t port your mobile account to the PS4 one and its on my mobile account where I got most of my 5 star characters… annoying I know but hopefully they address that bit. I do also play other games on my phone but Genshin just took over.

What do I intend to do for 2021? Well, it is still a bit of a question mark for me because again, COVID is still here. But, I am hoping to work on my current projects lined up aside from #projectapollo. I got one incoming blog entry soon which is slightly late… but not really. I am still thinking if I should blog about my experiences during the typhoon but I am torn if I should do so. I’ll try to definitely update here when I’m not busy or forgot to do it.

Hopefully 2021 will be kinder and far less of a pain as compared to 2020. We all need a break!

Can’t wait to post again soon and should I change the layout here? What do you think?

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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