
It has been a long long while since I have touched my beloved blog and it must be remedied.

Its now a year and a few weeks in since we’ved been on a lockdown here in the Philippines. Imagine, we lasted a year under lockdown and it is insane! No overseas or domestic travel, only going out for essentials and staying at home most of the time.

For me, the change isn’t that drastic but to be home for a year mostly and not go even to Manila… well, its really weird. My mum even said to me everything is too normal now and it will be odd when we are able to go around again without worrying about getting sick.

What has been keeping me on the usual loop are Genshin, reading manhwa and work… and the occasional window shopping.

When it comes to Genshin, man this game is damn addicting and while there’s the whole controversy about its current content, I am enjoying it well. While writing this blog, I am using my free to play account because annoyingly, I can’t port my dolphin account as one would say in gaming to my PS4. It is currently on my phone and well, I run out of resin in that account. Hopefully some new content is coming in soon and I look to it. (If you want to add me, lemme know and I’ll send you my code)

Work is work and it has not changed. Still enjoying how it goes and does keep me busy. I am trying my best to continue with my goal of finishing my office with the help of my earnings but right now, quite a lot of crazy stuff has happened, with my aircon dying when summer is here, online grocery shopping and the need to clean my dear iMac before I replace it later this year has put a stop on that. Sigh, always have a savings for something… haha

Well once this office is done and I fix my room whenever I am able to do so, I will finally be able to start saving up again for my travel plans… hopefully next year. My grandmother isn’t getting any younger and I’ved delayed it for too long. I will get on to that as soon as all the immediate stuff done. Thank God PS5 is slightly hard to come by coz that is in my 2021 to buy list.

Manhwa is manhwa, there are a lot of great ones and I have followed some translated novels as well. Kinda hard to find Japanese novels and mangas that are of interest. I still have yet to pick up Dr Stone and Jujutsu Kaisen but I might soon if I ran out of other things to read.

What else should I update… Ah! I will be rehashing #projectapollo. I got reinspired to expand more on the lore and also readjust the timeline, which has to be perfect because it is partially related to real life. I will be making the official announcement on the site in a few. Been delaying it but hey I have time so let’s do it! TBA on the date of its release, but best read it while it is still there!

That’s it from my short update. I will likely update again when there is something new to share! Stay safe everyone!!!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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