
Well, from the last time I was able to blog to this very day, a LOT of things happened that pretty much redefines what 2022 is all about. Considering that the year is ending, I thought it would be good to do my yearly review of 2022 in both my life and outside my small domain before listing down what 2023 will be like for me.

Of course, the throwback won’t be too accurate and I won’t be putting those that isn’t that related to my life but you get the gist. 2022 has been one shock to the next.


2022 started relatively shocking with the sudden invasion of Russia in Ukraine which was uncalled for and unjustified. They claimed that there are Nazis in Ukraine and that Russia is doing something good with their actions but the world calls that a bunch of lies. Many were killed, displaced and suffering in the continuous barrage. Russia is now a pariah and even now, they continue to claim that the war is justified. Because of the war, every item in the market has increased in price and there is no light in the end of the tunnel unless policies are put in place to adjust everything. There’s no end in sight yet for the war but hopefully 2023 does improve matters for the Ukrainians and the innocent Russians stuck in this conflict.

COVID is still here and the surges did order a massive shift in the life of many, mine included. But, thank God for the vaccines that were immediately updated to match the current strain. I was able to get my boosters but not for the Omicron subvariants since I don’t think it even reached this country yet. It is likely that this pandemic will continue till the coming years which is quite sad. Children did get their vaccines this year too, which resulted to a weird family reunion a few months ago. I missed my sister and her family terribly but due to the virus, their return home did hamper things but after the vaccine’s release, they were able to come home. It was a short visit though.

Climate change also shows itself again with the crazy weather we had this year. As mentioned in my previous post, we did end up isolated due to a typhoon which should have been relatively minor but changed course midway. Summer was also brutal. It is my hope and I know the rest of the world that something should be done but given the people on top? It will be a problem.

The online world is also at shambles due to several events like Elon Musk buying out Twitter and making the most weirdest and radical changes to the social media site and crypto crashed and burned. Now that I think about Twitter, I am slowly downloading my data there and I should get to cleaning the account. Crypto? Well, I never really bought into it.

Massive uprisings, government take downs and mass shootings also became the headlines this year, which begs the question, when will all this change for the best?

Sports did make a splash this year. Some known athletes retired like Roger Federer and Serena Williams. But, 2022’s FIFA World Cup was a banger! Argentina won the game against France with Lionel Messi finally completing his goal. The game was intense since France was able to rally points to make it even but after the penalty shootout, Argentina dominated. I gained some appreciation in the sport much to my surprise and I now follow Paris Saint-Germain. Will definitely try to watch it when able. The 2022 Winter Olympics did happen too and Yuzuru Hanyu retired much to the shock of his fans although he is now a Youtuber. I do love Yuzu, especially his Seimei routine.

Space also was the headlines with the James Webb Telescope showcasing the photos of space that wasn’t possible with Hubble and other telescopes. Artemis I also made history when it was able to return back to Earth after a fly through the Moon. Mars’s Perseverance Rover also landed in the planet and even made several groundbreaking experiments. It is kinda cool that my name is on that rover for people to see in the future when people finally get to Mars.

Finally, we lost a lot of great personalities this year, the most notable is Queen Elizabeth II. Watched all the news and videos about it, as well as the funeral itself. She will be missed greatly. Her son Charles is now Charles III and I guess throughout my lifetime, I would see three kings in her throne. I wish the best for their family, especially with some members no longer in the firm. As of time of writing, another great – Pele – passed away. A genius magician in the football pitch and well, if the argument goes, the Greatest Player of All Time.

Back to my life, well, the pandemic really didn’t change much in my life aside from some of the stuff I mentioned above. I am still working from home and I go out when I have errands and stuff. I do miss going to Manila but with my fear of getting sick of the virus, I haven’t been there at all save for that one or two times I was with family. Its quite likely I’d be back in the city a lot next year because for one, it is said the much anticipated ONE OK ROCK live will be in the second half of the coming year. I do have my ticket still with me and the very minute they announce additions, heck I will be signing up for it! I also may take some time to do some room renovations and while my province is slowly developing, there are still things you still can’t get here easily. While there is online shopping, shipping fees for big ticket items are expensive.

Work is work and other than that? Something fun will be happening next year! I cannot wait for it! The instances on how it came to be were weird and I thought it will not happen, but it is happening so this blog will be experiencing some well-deserved updates. I have ignored it so much but life is life. It will get crazier next year I promise.

I am also slowly working my way with my novels. I may be able to make a big dent on them before my birthday and get it reviewed. Hoping to get it published the same year? If it is good already but we will see how it goes.

Aside from that? Well, I just hope 2023 will be a good one. I will be turning 33 next year now I think about it and I gotta make the most out of it. I feel so old. Hahaha! Anyway, I wish you all a blessed happy new year and may it be a peaceful one for all of us.

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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