
Yours truly is here once again for another blog and it will now continue with the Canada trip blog. I have thought about it and pretty much came to the conclusion that this Canada trip blog will span 16 entries or less since it is a 2 week trip.

Anywho, here’s part 2 and as always, the photos will pretty much tell you what occurred:



This day is the actual start of our roadtrip and since we started a bit early, we decided to drive to a restaurant for lunch and then go to Ottawa.


Lunch was at Nando’s Peri-Peri Chicken which I’m not familiar with since there’s no branch in the country. And I don’t think (could be wrong) there’s a peri-peri chicken restaurant that is well-known in the Philippines to build the hype for this.

My sister ordered for us and had a platter, chili fries and java rice. I had mostly chicken coz I knew from day 1 I will not have rice most of the time and I was told to try out the chicken. It was actually quite good because of the herbs used which made it tasty even if you don’t have gravy.


One thing I noticed when we started the actual roadtrip is the fact that almost every establishment all have the Canadian flag fluttering free in the wind. You don’t get to see that in the Philippines!


As I chatted with my sister and in-law (and my niece and nephew slept or played with their gadgets), I mostly found it amusing that the scenery passing by reminds me of home because its all farmlands and small communities.


We got to Ottawa around 4 in the afternoon and checked in to The Business Inn and Suites, which was in the Downtown area. I will definitely return to this hotel when I go back coz they have a full kitchen and a super big room. This photo just shows the couch which transforms into a big sofa bed. It’s pretty comfortable if you ask me.


Since it was my in-law’s birthday, my sister said we should just walk to the restaurant so when we walked, the streets remind me of BGC. I’m in denial that I was indeed in Canada.

It was also pretty cold which was interesting because it was the first day of summer (in Canada).




The restaurant for the day is Sansotei Ramen, one of the popular ramen joints in Ottawa. The joint was a small one but it works for their favor because it allows the experience to be intimate and well, it does create the hype that it is an exclusive restaurant.

I had their tonkotsu ramen and gyoza (I didn’t get a photo of this since I shared it to the fam), then ramune as a drink. Verdict? It’s actually pretty good. Not too strong but still flavorful. They do offer options for the noodles so I got the thin ones. Will try again when able :)

We walked back to the hotel after our dinner and man, the sun was still up even if it is 7 pm! My sister said it was normal and I would experience that throughout my stay. Pretty much rested when we got back and had more laughs. This trip is beginning to be a chaotic and I like it.

The next entry will come this week but that would be a long one. I still need to finish my work and sort out the rest of the site. I need a clone to do all of my work. Hahaha.

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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