
I am speeedrunning this post because I am out of depth in the next coming days and this one is a short one. Haha, the fact that it is tomorrow, I’m just over the moon. Best b-day gift ever!

I will make another post that appears on exactly the day after so without further ado, lets start!

Photos will let you know what happened during this specific day in my travels.





We woke up for breakfast and got ready to make our way to Montreal, a 2 hour drive from Ottawa. Pretty uneventful if I may say so myself but I was so amused as we drove. It reminded me so much of what I see when I drive at the expressways back home.


Approaching Montreal and in the dead center there is the Oratory which is one of the highlights of the city. We would go there the next day.

We stayed at an Airbnb outside the city because it is way cheaper and it was good for our group. Its a nice house and we each had our bedrooms. It is best to have a car with you but Uber is also ok.






I did end up making time to check out OASIS Immersion at Downtown Montreal with my niece because they extended their Van Gogh exhibition, Van Gogh Distorsion. A similar one was held in Manila not too long ago but since it was in the midst of COVID if memory serves me, I never gotten to go. When I saw it was happening during my trip, I just had to go.

Eventually my niece came with me coz she wanted to explore and see it too. So off we went via Uber (We had trouble initially coz the card I had wasn’t being accepted by the app for some reason).


This is one of Van Gogh’s paintings which I like which I believe are almond blossoms.



The paintings were moving as it cycles through Van Gogh’s works.


Of course, this was included. Starry Night!


Never forget the Sunflower series!


Thats my niece quietly looking at the paintings. She loved the experience.


Ahh beautiful!

Thats pretty much the last photo for this entry. My niece and I walked around a bit to find her more french bread and had issues with the Uber since around the same time we were heading home, the Canadian F1 Grand Prix just ended.

Back at the Airbnb, had a simple dinner and pretty much relaxed. Relaxed for the most of it while trying to shush my nephew who did not have a volume switch still lol. Kids!

Will be back for more of these Canada blogs after I do the three big posts! I am not telling when because I would need a minute before I am able to actually write those!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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