Konnichasssuu my blog and my readers, whoever reads this.

It has been a long while since I blogged and there’s really a gap with my last post from this year to the post I did before it. I barely have things to write these days here coz I am so busy with offline things such as work, family life and the usual hobbies I have. Namely, gacha gaming and manhwas! Whenever there is something I could write, I am always sidetracked with things that I either forget it or just think I’ll do it later.

For this entry though, it is a must that I do it.

Although the year started off with a high coz of the Luxury Disease Asia Tour Manila leg, it did get a little crazy throughout the next few days and months. I got sick after that concert then off to the races with work, hobbies and the whatnots. I only got sick only two or so times that I had to rest it, which I am grateful for because no one wants to get sick in this day and age. Family health is also well and good but with grandma, she is feeling her age but most of the time, she is A-OK.

Work has been constant and doing good with it! I had to call in off today coz it is a special day. I could do a bit more faster but alas I want my work to be polished and all that. Not getting another job coz I’m quite happy with my current one. Hoping to more work from them and additional pay!!! Gotta hustle coz next year is going to be crazy!

Hobbies wise, I didn’t develop new ones but I picked some old ones again. Namely writing a journal coz my handwriting is slowly devolving into gibberish and I don’t know about you, but I do like to read something I actually wrote and not just typed. I haven’t resumed writing the novel yet coz of this and that but as of late, I have picked up on notetaking for it. The OOR fan in me is still strong but I am pretty picky with what I get these days. I also opted not to press my luck with the Taiwan concert that happened last weekend. Album tour will be lit.

I am also doing an effort to improve my health. No more late night cooking. Did started walking but due to the erratic weather as of late, I couldn’t really do it. I may invest on a walking pad once I fix my overall work setup. I can only buy one at a time without overwhelming my bills and savings. Hopefully this improves this year.

Personal life? Well, family is doing ok if not for the usual family spats that we have. We had some highs, we had some lows. Can’t mention all of it, but the most recent is me having a new niece! Yay! I also got to see some of my relatives from the US this year, which added to my busy year coz I acted as their personal assistant when they were here. Hoping my sister and her family come home next year so it would be fun.

In my case, the year went well. I did experience my own highs and lows but I never really let it bother me that much. To me, being able to write and vent through this medium allows me to remove any stress I have. Maybe I’ll mutter under my breath when something annoys me, but I never allow it to bother me too much. For this coming year, I am hoping to do more self-love and travel on my own again. I miss traveling but with the visa applications, money and all that, I need to plan well. With me turning the milestone age next year, I do need to hustle this year to make a big dream of mine come true next year or before it. I have plans, but for now, those are plans. Love life? I am happy being single. I’m not looking and all that. It will come when it comes and I’ll have a more profound discussion about that in a blog if it does.

Any thoughts in this new year for me? Well, nothing new really. Life is very unpredictable and when it happens, it will happen. I will face it like a champ and rock it.

I do hope I don’t get super broke next year from all the traveling I want to do. Hahaha!

I will try to blog more this year even if its the mundane things. I am able to do that with this new planner I got but here? It does need love. I will be backtracking some old entries and possibly relocate them when I have free time. I realized some of the photos are still in Photobucket rather than in Flickr so I will get on it.

For now, cheers to the new year for me!

Can’t believe I’m at this age. COVID took 2 years from me so I’m claiming that I’m X years old Hahaha!

About Mei

writer by trade, writer by passion
likes her earl grey with sugar
currently writing her manuscript

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