How does Mei and her kouhai Faith summarize ONE OK ROCK? You might want to check it out right here!
Address: 10969
Mei and her beloved kouhai, Cotton, shares ONE OK ROCK-er fan love with Address: 10969!!!
#OORAmbitionsTourMNL Full Details
Are you ready to party ONE OK ROCKer? Your January is going to rock hard!
[Merch Peek] Ambitions Tour and Yuri On Ice Goods
Something yellow and filled with skates for this merch peek in Autumn Sky!!
[Merch Review] Ambitions by ONE OK ROCK
Wanna see what’s inside the limited edition Japanese CD+ DVD and the International Exclusive CD of ONE OK ROCK’s latest album Ambitions?
Review: ONE OK ROCK’s Ambitions
Mei gives you her take on ONE OK ROCK’s latest album offering “Ambitions”