#OORAmbitionsTourMNL makes its reappearance. Hoping for a teaser? #oneokrock

#OORAmbitionsTourMNL makes its reappearance. Hoping for a teaser? #oneokrock
One special entry for one extraordinary moment. Mei celebrates #ONEOKROCKLiveinManila in this special update!
Come back to the 19th and experience ONE OK ROCK Live in Manila again. This time, via Mei’s short live report featured in PULP Magazine.
A very special collaboration for one very special band. Mei tells you her collaboration with PULP Magazine for ONE OK ROCK Live in Manila!
Want more PCD ONE OK ROCK Live in Manila people?!?! Here it is!!!!
Someone is in PULP Magazine and its ONE OK ROCK. Mei also makes a slight appearance, but in what way? Find out in this entry!