Here is the profile of Chiaki’s boyfriend, Louis


Name: Louis Thierry
Gender: Male
Birthday: July 29
Nationality: French-Italian
Parents: (Father) Arthur Thierry / (Mother) Diantha Lachapelle
Family: (Sister) Alice
Love Interest: Chiaki Altieri

Occupation: businessman, ?
Likes: peace and quiet, sleeping, Chiaki
Dislikes: incompetents, a certain two-faced fox (Katsumi), irritating koala (Yukio), basically everyone who pisses him off and stands in the way of him being with Chiaki

Short Profile:

Louis Thierry is a businessman and the beloved boyfriend of Chiaki, who is the daughter of his father’s best friend/rival. He is very protective of his beloved, hating almost everyone who takes her time and attention, especially when he is with her. However, he is very supportive of her ventures, especially her novels and her love of One to Infinity.

He usually appears unannounced to see his beloved to the point Katsumi, Chiaki’s best friend, would say that he doesn’t look like he still is working because of how often he appears.

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